You Can't Kill Stephen King is a curiously titled comedy horror with the general slasher sub genre and it's actually not bad.
It tells the story of a group of friends who travel to Maine but as per the genre get picked off one by one by a mysterious assailant.
Its independent yet it looks great.
It's independent yet the soundtrack is excellent.
It's independent yet the unknown cast are fantastic.
It's independent yet the writing is above par.
It breaks all the usual movie stereotypes and conventions and left me fairly impressed. To be clear it has its fair share of flaws hence the not overwhelming rating but for what it is this is a passable little affair that demonstrates how talented those involved are.
It's silly, it has a very limited spectrum but there is fun to be had here.
The Good:
Great soundtrack
Very above par cast
The Bad:
Ultimately flawed
Doesn't really flow
Things I Learnt From This Movie:
Maine is so white there aren't even black bears