I recently watched The Changed (2021) on Tubi. The storyline follows a mysterious outbreak that transforms people into eerie, emotionless shells of their former selves. These infected individuals work to persuade others to join their ranks. A group of survivors hides in their home, capturing one of the infected in hopes of understanding their motives and finding a way out of their dire situation.
Directed by Michael Mongillo (The Wind), the film stars Clare Foley (Gotham), Tony Todd (Candyman), Jason Alan Smith (Before I Wake), Carlee Avers (Veronica Mars), and Doug Tompos (Masters of Sex).
While the concept shows promise, the execution leaves much to be desired. The movie heavily relies on a psychological cat-and-mouse game, with Tony Todd as the infected antagonist engaging in verbal battles with the uninfected. Though Todd delivers a strong performance and elevates the dialogue, the film suffers from its limited scope. Most of the runtime is confined to a single room, and the lack of dynamic action or meaningful interaction with other infected characters hinders the overall impact.
The infected design is solid and menacing, but the tension fizzles due to lackluster pacing and uninspired action sequences. The few shooting scenes fail to deliver the intensity the premise demands.
In conclusion, The Changed might appeal to Tony Todd fans, but it doesn't offer much beyond his performance. I'd score it a 3/10 and recommend it only for die-hard fans of the actor.