The film begins with some introductory lines as , ¨Holocaust (1933-1945)¨ : Extermination of European Jews and others by the Nazi regime in Germany. The Nazi persecution reached its peak in the Final solution , a programme of mass extermination adopted in 1942 and carried out with murderous efficiency by Adolf Eichmann ¨. In addition, ¨Adolf Eichmann¨: German administrator, he was responsible for carrying out Hitler's Final solution and for administrating the concentration camps in which 6 million Jewish perished. After the war he went into hiding in Argentina and eluded the Nuremberg trials. World Encyclopedia , Oxford University Press.
This is a historic drama with biographic elements dealing with Adolf Eichman and his interrogator officer Avner Less well performed by Thomas Kretschmann and Troy Garity, respectively. Furthermore, Stephen Fry as Jewish Minister and Franka Potente as affecting Avner's wife. The story is carried out by means of various flashbacks describing the cruel existence of Eichmannn. Atmospheric musical score by Richard Harvey and cold cinematography by Mike Connor. The motion picture is professionally by Robert Young.
Adding more remarks along with the widely narrated on the movie referred to Adolf Eichmann, his life is the following : Eichmann (1906-62) was born in Austria. After starting as a lowly file clerk , he learned that there was an opening in Heinrich Himmler's SD, the information center for the Gestapo . Himmler, who believed that Eichmann could speak Hebrew, made him head of the Scientific Museum Jewish Affairs. In 1937 Eichmann paid a short visit to Palestine to get in touch with Arab leaders , but the was ordered out of the country by the British. On his return to Germany he was rapidly promoted. After service in the Reich Central Office of Jewish Emigration he was made chief of Subsection IV-B-4 of the RSHA, the Reich Central Security Office, as an expert on Jewish affairs. He was present at the Wansee Conference on January 20 , 1942, when it was decided to deport Jews to the extermination camps. In August 1944 Eichmann reported to Himmler that, although the death camps kept no exact statistics , 4 million Jews had died in them and that 2 million more had been shot or killed by mobile units. Arrested at the end of WWII, Eichmann escaped unrecognized from an internment camp in the American zone in 1946 and disappeared. On May 11, 1969, the Israeli secret service found him in Argentina and smuggling him back to Israel . His trial , which took place in Jerusalem from April 11 to August 14, 1961, aroused worldwide attention. He was charged with crimes against humanity, and war crimes. Found guilty, he was hanged at Ramle on May 31,1962.