I saw a scene from this movie while surfing on instagram, I was intrigued. Doing research beforehand I was informed what this movie was made of and was excited to see a mpvie where I, the viewer would have to dissect this story and put the pieces together. Watching the movie I was thoroughly impressed by the beautiful design of this futuristic world, and the performances given by this incredibly talented cast. I also appreciated that this film has its own genre and cannot simply classified as Action, Noir, etc. The plot was very interesting and perfect for the psychological roller coaster that this movie went for. However there were things I did not appreciate. Again, I loved dissecting this film and analyzing this plot, however it comes to the point where the director, a young director, was simply making certain aspects complex, for the sake of being complex. Much like a young musican may write highly complex and dazzling compositions to impress a crowd. The movie lacked substance, or that which makes the beautiful art of film thrive. Leaving out certain key bits of information are great for leaving the audience in limbo until it is revealed which will relieve them. However i disagree with the directors choice to hold everything back. Some of the characters have unknown origins or motives, which causes the audience to have a lack of connection to said character. Why havent we addressed clearly who are the rivaling parties? To simply address them briefly in conversation takes away from the effect of the film and added suspense and tension that could have been utilized. Hopefully this young hotshot director will grow and use his talent to write complex, unique stories to write with much more substance.