It felt like I had seen this all before (think; Polanski's The Tennant & Repulsion) all the way through to the non-ending. Every so often writers and movie makers want to create a beguiling work that leaves audiences perplexed, they think they're being clever (maybe they are) but when audiences sit for over an hour and a half, when they leave, they understandably want something to take with them that feels complete.
While some think its creative to simply give out assorted clues, so others can think they're smart enough to unravel them - most will feel let down when everything they thought they saw, maybe didn't happen at all. It's stylish, well played out, but ultimately unpleasant and unsatisfying, with a script that's possibly as thin as the co-writer/main star.
If you like movies with endless loose ends, and nothing to tie them together, this is the show for you.