Corpse Mania was produced by The Shaw Brothers whose horror movies were always outrageous, maggot-ridden fun. This movie owes a lot to giallo, but remains singular with its grotesque horror and romantic leanings to create a simultaneously gloomy and mesmerizing atmosphere. It is a crime horror story dealing with a serial killer in the background of a red-light district. The movie simply delivers exactly on the points to be expected, watch out for the ritualistic corpse washing scene.
One of the fine points of Corpse Mania is that it manages these shifts in tone-from a mostly comic (if repulsive) first half to a downright bleak ending. Somehow, they make it all fit together, in a stew only a Category III Hong Kong film can bring you. The first half is rather meandering, and the characterization is basically non-existent. However, this is still good for a lazy Sunday afternoon and if you get a kick out of twisted humour, this is well worth a watch.