This film essentially begins several hundred years ago with three women named "Sam" (Kira Reed Lorsch), "Lucy" (Donna Spangler) and "Elena" (Brittan Taylor) being forcibly led through the woods at night and subsequently hanged for being witches. The film then fast-forwards to a couple of thugs breaking in to a suburban house in search of a safe supposedly loaded with money. What these two burglars find instead are three young women with magic powers who quickly render them unconscious. The next thing they know they are back in their car parked across that same house with no idea of what they are doing or how they got there. The film then shifts to a young woman named "Jessica" (Sarah T. Cohen) accepting an invitation to a private academy even though she never actually applied for admission. Upon entering, she is quickly led to the head mistress named "Dominque" (Amanda Jade-Tyler) who, after a few perfunctory questions, has a student show her to her room. Once there, she is introduced to her roommate "Sally" (Georgina Jane) who has also received an invitation to attend the academy even though she never applied either. What neither of them realize, however, is that the invitation was a ruse, and they are to be sacrificed that very night to a demon named "Botis" (Tobey Wynn-Davies). Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that I honestly didn't expect too much from this movie due in large part to the low score on IMDb. Having now seen the film in its entirety, I now understand the low rating and negative reviews. Frankly speaking, this was not a good movie, and I suspect that the word "Amityville" was simply slapped on the title to draw more attention--as it had no similarity to any of the other Amityville movies that I have seen thus far. That being said, however, I do not consider this to be nearly as bad as some of the other films using the word "Amityville" in the title, and I have rated it accordingly. Below average.