Okay, the plot line is that a guy disturbed by his uncles nightmares brings his friends out to a place outside an air force base, where apparently aliens are hunting down humans for some reason that defies explanation, other than they really notice the racial differences between our racially not all that distinct characters. I mean, really, if you wanted an Asian or an African, wouldn't you actually go to those places to get one, instead of getting folks with so much European blood in their background you can barely tell.
The alien is cheap CGI, I mean, something that would embarrass a warcraft nerd. It's reasoning seems a bit silly. If it's on a scientific mission, it certainly wouldn't act like a hillbilly butcher, would it?
Just once, I would like to see an Alien/Predator kind of film that actually defines the alien or predator in ways where you understand why it is doing what it is doing, other than being just a mindless monster the heroes have to survive...