A scientific group in the south pole find themselves being killed one by one by a monster . This premise is similar in many ways to THE THING but whereas John Carpenter had its strengths - Most notably its downbeat depressing atmosphere - DEEP FREEZE is an extremely dumb movie with very poor production values , the script is nothing you haven`t seen before , the acting is unconvincing but worst of all is the monster which resembles a big rubber beetle . If I remember correctly there`s a scene where someone is attacked and it`s obvious the actor`s holding onto a rubber prop while screaming . I might have a false memory of this scene because DEEP FREEZE is instantly forgettable . I can clearly remember a scene with footage of a real insect superimposed over the action though
I`m curious as to how many reviewers on this page who`ve put the boot into DEEP FREEZE are fans of horror movies ? I`m not really a fan of the genre myself since most horror movies like this one suffer from a dumb script and substandard production values . If you don`t like that sort of thing you`ll certainly hate this movie . If you`re a horror die hard you may only dislike DEEP FREEZE