Originally rated it a 9 due to the CRAZY IN-DEPTH coverage & storytelling Kamau gets to do with minority groups, but after seeing all the WHITE CONSERVATIVE HATE here in the reviews, I bumped it up to 10.
There's some AMAZING moments & artful storytelling here. As someone of mixed race who has faced racism for BOTH of my races (Haole/Japanese), I've long been into these stories of our humanity.
Not every episode is for everybody & I'm not particularly drawn to EVERY episode, but the one's I have seen have affected me deeply.
I'm also a documentary videographer on behalf of Native Hawaiians & aim to tell stories in a similar quick-paced/artsy cinematography/made for short-attention span audiences technique....so I'm also JEALOUS of Kamau & his team.
Cant wait for the "Hawai'i for Hawaiians" episode...MANY OF US HERE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO IT!!! ALOHA!!