Jerry Nelson(1934-2012)
- Artiste
- Équipe supplémentaire
- Service de musique
Jerry Nelson est né le 10 juillet 1934 dans l'Oklahoma, États-Unis. Il était acteur. Il est connu pour The Muppet Show (1976), Fraggle Rock (1983) et Les amis de Sésame (1969). Il était marié à Jan Berguson et Jacqueline 'Jacquie' Moore Nelson Gordon. Il est mort le 23 août 2012 dans le Massachusetts, États-Unis.
Série télévisée
- Floyd Pepper
- Announcer
- Dr. Julius Strangepork
- Pops
- Lew Zealand
- Robin the Frog
- Louis Kazagger
- Chicken
- Crazy Harry
- Pig
- Robin
- Camilla
- House
- Uncle Deadly
- Whatnot
- Baskerville the Hound
- Jerry
- Slim Wilson
- Chickens
- Herman
- Quongo
- Sgt. Floyd Pepper
- T.R. Rooster
- Cow
- Cowboy
- Dr. Strangepork
- Fleet Scribbler
- Frog
- Loud Woman
- Miss Mousey
- Old Skyball Paint
- Shouting Lady
- Thog
- Vendaface
- Whatnot Man
- Arab
- Baskerville
- Beautiful Day Monster
- Bust of Beethoven
- Droop
- Eric the Parrot
- Geri
- Gills Brother
- Goat
- Gramps
- Horse
- J.P. Grosse
- Jugband Member
- Muppaphones
- Paul
- Paul Revere
- Pigs
- Prairie Dog
- Singing Owl
- Stalagmite
- Sundance the Lion
- The Announcer
- The Bust of Beethoven
- Tree
- Whatnots
- William Tell
- Youknow Bird
- Zucchini Brother
- African Mask
- Angus McGonagle
- Ant
- Aquarius Singer
- Artichoke
- Atrics Tambourine Player
- Automatic Wastebasket
- Baby
- Bar Patron
- Barber's Customer
- Beaker clones
- Beaver
- Behemoth
- Benny
- Big Tiny Tallsaddle
- Billy the Bear
- Blue Frackle
- Borcellino
- British Chap
- British Man
- Brown Dog
- Bruno
- Bug
- Bun-Bun Brother
- Burlington Bertie
- Canary
- Centurions
- Chester Pugh
- Chris Rudolph
- Chucky
- Clam
- Construction Worker
- Count von Count
- Crocodile
- Dancer
- Dancers
- Dancing Clown
- Delivery Guy
- Doctor
- Dodo
- Dog
- Doglion
- Eel
- Fazoob
- Feather Duster
- Featherstone
- Female Dancer
- Female Koozebanian
- Flo Chicken
- Floyd
- Floyd's dancing partner
- Food
- Forcryingoutloud Bird
- Fozzie Pig
- Fungus
- Gambler
- Gingerbread Man
- Gnu
- Gopher
- Gorgon Heap
- Granny the Gouger
- Half of the Two-Headed Singer
- Harold the Woodpecker
- Herbie
- Humpty Dumpty
- Indian
- Irving Bizarre
- Kangaroo
- Koozebanian Phoob
- Lee
- Lenny the Lizard
- Lew Zeland
- Lineman
- Lobster
- Luncheon Counter Monster
- Male Monster
- Mean Mama
- Merdlidop
- Merry Men
- Mexican Hat Dancer
- Mickey Moose
- Milton Miller
- Mulch
- Muskrat
- Octopus
- Old Gypsy Lady
- Opossum
- Parrot
- Paul 1
- Penguin
- Penguins
- Pierre Lacousse
- Pig Bartender
- Pirate
- Pole Vaulter
- Policeman
- Professor Albert Flan
- Punching Bag
- Quongo the Gorilla
- Rat
- Salesman
- Salsburg Sauerkraut Singer
- Scallions
- Scotsman
- Screaming Thing
- Shakey Sanchez
- Shark
- Singing Fireman
- Skier
- Sleeze Brother
- Snake
- Soldier
- Sopwith the Camel
- Sphinx
- Spy
- Statler's Grandson
- Super Sheep
- Talking Machine
- Tarantula
- The Devil
- The Idol
- The Queen
- The Sarcophagi
- Thudge McGerk
- Tiki Idol
- Tom
- Train Conductor
- Vampire
- Vampire's Dancing Partner
- Vendawish
- Viking Pigs
- Violinist
- Waiter
- Walrus
- Warren the Dancing Cucumber
- Weasel
- Whatnot Commander
- Whatnot Dancer
- Whatnot Dancers
- Whatnot Girl
- Whatnot Girls
- Whatnot Gypsy
- Whatnot Monster
- Whatnot Singer
- Witch Doctor
- Wolfhound
- Yellow Creature
- Yorick
- Zelda Rose
- Zuzu Fitzwaller(voice)
Série télévisée
- Gobo Fraggle
- Pa Gorg
- Marjory the Trash Heap
- Architect Doozer
- Feenie Fraggle
- Uncle Gobo Fraggle
- Archbanger Fraggle
- Balsam the Minstrel
- Cave Creature
- Fishface Fraggle
- Judge
- Mervin Merggle
- Parrot
- Pen News announcer
- Radio Announcers
Série télévisée
- The Count
- Herry Monster
- Two-Headed Monster
- The Announcer
- Mr. Johnson
- Count von Count
- The Amazing Mumford
- Jerry (Two-Headed Monster)
- News Flash Announcer
- Sherlock Hemlock
- Biff
- Announcer
- Simon Soundman
- Farley
- Count
- Herbert Birdsfoot
- The Big Bad Wolf
- Tina Twiddlebug
- Little Jerry
- Fred the Wonder Horse
- Mr. Snuffleupagus
- Frazzle
- Count Von Count
- Two Headed Monster
- Anything Muppets
- Muppet
- Big Bad Wolf
- Boy
- Herry
- Hot Pink Alphabeat
- Pink Martian
- Phil Harmonic
- Lefty's Boss
- Snuffy
- Mr. Chatterly
- Cinderella
- Fat Blue Patient
- Sam the Robot
- Singer
- Chunky Cheese
- Cousin Monster
- Mr. Lucky
- Nick Normal
- Number Guy
- Super Grover Announcer
- Barry Rhymie
- Bennett Snerf
- Delivery Man
- Harry Monster
- Jerry
- London Frog
- Man
- Narrator
- Balladeer
- Maurice Monster
- Pumpkin J Friend
- Purple Cheerleader
- Rapunzel
- Simon
- Umpire
- Uncle Louie
- Vern
- Adam T. Glaser
- Angry
- Bill Smith
- Bird
- Christopher Columbus
- Dr. Livingstone
- Frankie Monster
- Harry
- Little Miss Muffet
- London Hog
- Mary Rhymie
- Mike
- Newsboy
- Piper Piper
- Pumpkin Monotone
- Sleeping Beauty
- Tough Eddie
- Train Conductor
- 'Casey McPhee' Singer
- Additional Anything Muppets
- Andy
- Baby Rocky
- Baker
- Blue Martian
- Elderly Man
- Ernie Statue
- Frog
- George
- Georgie
- Gonk
- Green Vocalist
- Hickory Dickory Duck
- High Singer
- Lavender Woman
- Little Jack Horner
- Lord Hog
- Oak Tree
- Pierre
- Potato
- Pumpkin Tarnish Brother
- Servant
- Singer 'Don't Waste Water'
- Storyteller
- Tablecloth
- The Fastest Person in the Kingdom
- The Smartest Person in the Kingdom
- Tornado
- Trevor Trout
- Witch
- Bartender
- Big Barney
- Brother
- Car
- Carlos
- Clothing Store Clerk
- Dentist
- Dog
- Driver
- Duck
- Dwarves
- Father Bird
- Frankie
- Green Singer
- Jack Be Nimble
- Japanese Storyteller
- Jerry Monster
- King
- Lady with Tall Hat
- Lady with a Tall Hat
- Lavender Beatnik
- Librarian
- Melvin Milk
- Mervin
- Monsters
- Mouse
- Old Mother Hubbard
- Pamela
- Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich
- Princess
- Professor Nucleus Von Fission
- Pumpkin Orange Brother
- Red Monster
- Ricardo Monsterban
- Rick
- Royal Doctor
- Sammy the Snake
- Sandy the Snake
- Sergeant Thursday
- Sheriff
- Sheriff Shrimp
- Shoemaker
- Singer 'I'm the Big One Now'
- Singer 'There's a Lot of Different Ways to Get to School'
- Sneaky
- Snookey
- Snooks
- Sparkey
- Teacher
- The Country Mouse
- The Hare
- Well-Clad Wolf
- Yogi
- Young George Washington
- 4-Sweater Boy
- 5-Sweater Boy
- Alphabeat
- Angry Man #1
- Aristocrat
- Barry
- Bassist
- Big Good Wolf
- Blue Man
- Blue Moviegoer
- Blue Sailor
- Bowler Hat
- Brown
- Chester O'Leary
- Classmate
- Customer
- Daddy Bird
- Drippy
- Electrician
- Emperor
- Ernest the Grouch
- Farmer Brown
- Fat Blue Cowboy
- Fat Blue Spider Actor
- Fireman
- Frazzletone
- French Toast
- Girl
- Girl Circler
- Greaser
- Green AM Boy
- Green Alphabeat
- Green Son
- Guardian Angel
- Hare
- Haystack
- Herald
- Hopalong Hamster
- Host
- I.M. Pig
- Inchworm
- Jill
- Kathy's Friend
- Kermit the Forg
- King's Horse
- Last
- Lavender Arab
- Lavender Girl
- Lavender Moviegoer
- Lavender Witch
- Louie
- Mary
- Middle
- Mommy Snuffleupagus
- Mount Snuffleupagus
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Foot
- Natalie the Cow
- Old King Cole
- Old Macdonald
- Old Man
- One of the Tarnish Brothers
- Over the Top Lead Singer
- Painting of a Bowl of Fruit
- Parker Monster
- Peanut Butter
- Poco Loco
- Pretty Great Performances Announcer
- Pumpkin Man
- Radio Announcer
- Rocky
- Rodeo Rosie
- Rooster
- Royal Postman
- Short King
- Small Cowboy
- Snitch
- Spider
- Sullivan
- Sun
- The Gonk
- Third Ball
- Tortoise
- Townsperson #1
- Usher
- Vocalist
- Young Lady
- Zizzy Zoomer #2
- 'News Flash' Announcer
- 'Over the Top' lead singer
- 'Something Comes Between' Us
- AM Boy
- AM Monsters
- Accordian
- Additional Performers
- Admiral
- Al
- Amazing Mumford
- Angry Dwarf
- Animal Shelter Owner
- Announceer
- Anouncer
- Baby Sparrow
- Backflip Counter
- Bad Humor Man
- Bakery Baker
- Ball #3
- Balladeer in 'The Dirtiest Town in the West'
- Banana
- Bass Elevator Singer
- Big Jeffy
- Bill Compton Muppet
- Birdnardo Birdaluchi
- Blue Boy
- Blue Greaser
- Blue Kid
- Boss
- Boy Who Cried Monster
- Boyfriend
- Bruce
- Bruce Monster
- Caller
- Caller #1
- Captain Cabbage
- Carny
- Cartoon Mouse
- Caveman Fred
- Caveman Segment Narrator
- Channel Announcer
- Chick
- Clam
- Construction Foreman
- Cookie Hood
- Corny the Corn
- Country Mouse
- Country Singer
- Cow
- Cow #2
- Cowboy
- Cowpoke
- Creepy Connie
- Custodian
- Cyranose De Bergerac
- Cyranose de Bergerac
- DJ
- Daughter
- David Finch
- Deputy
- Disc Jockey
- Dr. Livingston
- Dr. Wolf
- Dwarf
- Ederly man
- Elmo
- Farmer
- Fat Blue
- Fat Blue Cowpoke
- Fat Blue Hippie
- Fat Blue Man
- Fat Blue Sailor
- Fat Blue Subject
- Female Teacher
- Fico
- Fiddler on the roof singer
- Firefighter Monster
- Foot
- Football
- Foreman
- Fred the Horse
- French Grouch
- Garage Mechanic
- Gate Guard
- Genie
- Giant
- Grandmother
- Granny Grouch
- Greaser in the Park
- Green Beatnik
- Green Boy
- Green Cowboy
- Green Driver
- Green Guy
- Green Guy Named Ed
- Green Man
- Grouch Justice of the Peace
- Guntag Gelman Jones
- Guy
- Hairy Man
- Happy Squares Vocalist #1
- Harvey's Victim
- Herman Bird
- Honker
- Honkers
- Ice Cream Man
- Ike
- J.P, Monderporg
- Jack
- Jerome
- Jimmy
- Joe
- Joe Busby
- Kid with Kermit
- Kids
- Lavender
- Lavender Boy
- Lavender Cowboy
- Lavender Customer
- Lavender Man
- Lavender Man ('ET Family')
- Lavender Man in 'ET Family Song'
- Lavender Man with Mustache
- Lavender Muppet
- Lavender Nomad
- Lavender P Lover
- Lavender Subject
- Lead Sheep
- Lefty the Salesman's Boss
- Leonard Wolf
- Little Bird
- Little Bo Peep
- Little Boy
- Little Girl
- Little Miss Muffett
- Lonely Guy
- Long-Haired Customer
- Lord Chatterly
- Lover #1
- Magic Mirror
- Magic Painting Lady
- Martian
- Martian #1
- Marty
- Matilda
- Mean Manny
- Mice
- Mirror
- Mission Control Announcer
- Moe
- Mommy Bird
- Monkey Flip Counter
- Monster #4
- Monster Cowboy
- Movie Annoucer
- Movie Patron
- Mr. Hat
- Mr. Morley
- Mr. Ogden
- Mr. Quincy
- Mumford
- News Flash Anouncer
- Newspaper Boy
- Nick Normal and the Nickmatics
- Noel Cowherd
- Old Man with Cane
- Old Timer
- Oscar the Grouch
- Over the Top
- Over the Top Singer
- Over the Top lead singer
- Painting
- Patient
- Pig
- Pig #1
- Pig #2
- Pig #s 3 and 5
- Pigs
- Pilot
- Plane Flier
- Porker Piper
- Postman
- Prince #1
- Professor Huggins
- Professor Nucleus von Fission
- Pumpkin 'J Friends' Singer
- Pumpkin Cowboy
- Purple Balladeer
- Purple Grouch
- Quincy
- Red Martian
- Reddish-Magenta Cowboy
- Rhymin' Lyman
- Richard Altman
- Royal Lackey
- Royal Subject
- Rubber Ball
- Rubber Balls
- Salida Dancer
- Sanitation Man
- Saxophonist
- School Teacher
- Sheep #1
- Short Red Monster
- Singer 'In My Book'
- Singer 'The Inside Story'
- Singer 'Thirteen Turkeys'
- Singer 'Turkey in the Straw'
- Singer 'Ways to Get to School'
- Singer 'Ways to Get to School' and 'The Iguana'
- Sir John Feelgood
- Small beady-eyed subject
- Snowman
- Son #2
- Subject
- Subject #2
- Teeth
- Tenor Vocalist
- The Animal Shelter Customer
- The Bird Father
- The Blue King
- The Emperor
- The Genie of the Cookie Tin
- The Justice of Disturbing the Peace
- The London Frog
- The Lost Person
- The Miller's Daughter
- The Oat Bran Band Lead singer
- The Sad King Pierre
- The Short King
- The Sun
- The Two-Headed Monster
- The Young Man Who Lives in a Glove
- The Young Man who Lives in a Glove
- Thomas Twiddlebug
- Tiger
- Timmy Twiddlebug
- Tony
- Two Headed Monster [Left]
- Two Headed-Monster (Frank)
- Two- Headed Monster
- Uncle Talbot
- V
- Various Muppets
- Verne
- Veterinarin
- Vidal Spitton
- Villager
- Walter
- Western Mouse
- Wolf
- Woman
- Xavier
- Young Man who Lives in a Glove
- Young Villager
- Zydeco Band Lead Singer