Virdee 2025 BBC 6 x hour long episode.
Detective thriller set in Bradford, ready for its City of Culture status.
Throwing in a multicultural mix, drug dealers, armed cops and robbers, dastardly Eastern European, mix race marriages, same sex relationships, family squabbles, LGBQT club culture, and wait for it the best one yet is a wronged serial killer with a grudge who has a thing about bugs which he likes to plant in his victims (have we seen that before?). What have you got Virdee, a sprawling mess of a series. Acting is poor, lots of side glances and looking away when wronged , quivering lips and tear filled eyes.
The amount of money that has been spent on this is criminal, it is a big production, movie length scale, it is clearly aiming for mass appeal and no doubt commercial sales. Its set for a follow up, with loose ends tied up giving us pointers for the direction of season 2.
2/10 for the story, 8/10 for the production , but overall for this embarrassing failure 4/10
PS I have avoided any racial stereotyping unlike this series.