Susan Sarandon stars as a hard-working nurse, single woman, and grieving mother missing her son. Julian Morris was a journalist who traveled to the Middle East and taken hostage by terrorists. As she waits for the return she knows will never happen, she tries to continue her life: Richard Simmons exercise videos, constant struggles with her supervisor, give extra attention to emergency patients, etc.
Then one day, Susan gets some information that her son is being held for ransom. She contacts the FBI, who tells her to keep quiet, but then a friend, Edie Falco, contradicts that information. Keeping quiet is the last thing she should do. She should be as loud as possible, fundraise, and pay the money. However intriguing this movie sounds, I found it rather pointless. It felt like a slice of life of an uninteresting woman. Besides the initial premise, there really isn't much struggle, suspense, or reason for continuing. When the movie was over, I felt I had wasted my time.
DLM Warning: If you suffer from vertigo or dizzy spells, like my mom does, this movie will not be your friend. Almost the entire movie is filmed with a handheld camera and that will make you sick. In other words, "Don't Look, Mom!"