Cyborg-vampire extraterrestrial overlords with giant scorpion stingers; shapeshifting Sasquatches on murder sprees; Zombie drones; Demonic cult sacrifices; and loads of totally unnecessary full frontal nudity...Demonwarp has a little something for everyone.
This is one of those totally bizarre, so bad it's brilliant, 80's schlock horror gems that never made it past a VHS release...though it is certainly due for an upgrade.
It starts off like you'd expect your standard "don't go into that part of the woods" film with bigfoots would. But by the time the end rolls around you find that you have been taking in something much more bizarre- and hilariously so!!!
For a while I was worried they weren't going to tie up all the loose ends that were subtly introduced in earlier parts of the film (like the crash of the spacecraft, and inexplicable zombie that makes an appearance half-way through). But alas, I was too quick to judge. I just needed to let it all play out...and when it's gold, baby. Gold.
The overall style and acting are incredibly cheesy- albeit in the most entertaining way possible. Which only acts to compliment the b-grade aura exuded by this epic monster flick.
The special effects and gore tend to be hit or miss. Some parts are as bad as the acting...while others are actually quite well done (like the transformation scenes near the end).
Patently ridiculous storyline aside, the highlight of this production is definitely the monsters. They are actually pretty well done, considering the nature of the film and all. Especially the Bigfoot character...which is badass!
What starts off as a pretty standard "group of kids wanders into the wrong part of the woods" type film, quickly takes a turn towards the bizarre...and that's what makes it so great! The final twist is a bit cliché- but honestly, I expected nothing less. A true cult classic!!! Comes highly recommended.
7 out 10 for creativity and entertainment value. Though it probably deserves far less.