Like clearing up after a hurricane, where do you start? An appalling load of rubbish from start to finish. Here are a few facts. 1. Nobody ever saw the killer - so there are no eyewitness statements as to his appearance. 2. For anyone who thinks he has surgical skill, take a look at the Eddowes photographs, I could have done a neater job with a blunt chainsaw. 3. Not one single letter has ever been proved to have come from the killer, the one that a lot of experts say might have wasn't even mentioned. 4. There are no clues left by the killer, except possibly the Goulston Street graffito. 5. There is absolutely nothing to point to the nationality of the killer. The one American suspect Dr Tumblety was arrested for homosexual acts in a public toilet with men, not for being a suspect. 6. The killer knew the streets of the East End and knew the people, he was one of them, he wasn't a mastermind - just lucky.