So this is one of those ultra-rare films released on Raedon video, I read a review for another film on Raedon called "The Worst of Enemies" where the reviewer warned people not to be fooled by the cover and title-the film was actually a very boring relationship drama, and now i'm here to give a similar warning about this film. This not really a action film or a thriller despite having a few kills in it(one of them near the beginning is killed by a sword, the guy being killed does such a hilariously bad reaction that I gave the film a 2 out of pity), do not be fooled by the box art or title. The film is more or less an environmental drama about a group of eco-freaks killing workers who are planning on building property on nature in order to get attention to their protest(wouldn't a non- violent protest work better?). It's far less interesting then it sounds(as evidenced by how bored the actors come across, not that I blame them) whereas many Raedon films are either so-bad-its-good(Alien Private Eye, Punk Vacation, Ain't No Way Back. Hell Spa, Highway to Hell, Black Crystal, Feelin Screwy, Chillers, Curse of the Queerwolf) and some are legitimately good(Cole Justice, Provoked, Angels of the City, The Weird, Roller Blade Warriors: Taken By Force, Death Collector, Desert Snow, Vampyre, Dead Girls, The Evil Below, Games of Survival, Return of the Family Man, Hellbent, Hollywood's New Blood, The Brainsucker) this falls into the dreaded so-boring-its-excruciating category, which is the worst kind of bad. It's the kind of bad you can't even make fun of and which provokes no reaction whatsoever, it's not as terrible as Dark Heaven(which is the all-time worst film i've ever seen) but that ain't saying much.
Bottom line avoid this film at all costs unless you desperately need a cure for insomnia.