Chef's special, or fuera de carta en español. The zany, wacky goings-on in a restaurant, run by chef maxi. He's overwhelmed by the antics of his workers, the customers, and even his personal life. When he tries to fix alex up with the new neighbor horacio, it all goes wrong! The neighbor thinks maxi wants him, instead! But alex thinks horacio already has a girlfriend. What a mess. Can this all get straightened out? The script needed some cleaning up.... some scenes are just silly. When maxi and his daughter do a dance while fixing breakfast, it just felt like filler. When the son is very angry at max, they have a huge fight, but a minute later, the son and dad are friends again. And in the next scene, they are enemies again. There is some fun comedy... at one point, alex says "do you think i'm showing too much cleavage?" and turns around to show how her very low cut dress shows off her butt ...cleavage. It's a bedroom farce. Lots of adult subject matter and cussing. With some serious moments here and there. You'll recognize grandma celia (chus lampreave)... she was in all the almodovar films! It's pretty good. Directed by nacho velilla. He's won a bunch of film fest awards.