A gold standard for 80's tv. What works here is the mix of action comedy. A character driven show of a con and Judge who solve mysteries and fight crime. There is great stunts, cons, action sequences, and comic character clashes. The by the book Judge vs the slick con with a good heart are great characters. My all time favorite episodes of Hardcastle and McCormick had great humorous moments like: The time Mark tries to be a stand up, or the house party that went out of control, and the time Mark and the Judge got involved with the CIA. The acting mixed well with the comedy which pushes into a exciting adventure is the golden formula for TV bliss. For a more mature audience than Night Rider, or the Dukes, but with all the same fun. I think that car was Hardcastle and McCormick trade mark. 10/10 I wish we would have repeats on cable. Please never make a remake and ruin Hardcastle and McCormick. 10 stars