Billy West(II)
- Besetzung
- Abteilung Musik
- Drehbuch
Billy West wurde am 16 April 1952 in Detroit, Michigan, USA geboren. Er ist Schauspieler und Autor, bekannt für Futurama (1999), Die Ren & Stimpy Show (1991) und Space Jam (1996). Er war mit Violet Benny verheiratet.
- Philip J. Fry
- Dr. Zoidberg
- Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth
- Zapp Brannigan
- Smitty
- Professor Farnsworth
- Richard Nixon's Head
- Leo Wong
- Additional Voices
- Judge Ron Whitey
- President Richard Nixon's Head
- Documentary Narrator
- Gus
- Moon Farmer
- God Entity
- Humorbot 5.0
- Ipgee
- Ken
- Bartender
- Clerk
- Desert Muck Leech
- Glurmo
- Hydroponic Farmer
- Lawyer
- Professor Hubert Farnsworth
- Richard Nixon
- Robot Farmer
- Singing Wind
- Small Glurmo #1
- 20th Century History Teacher
- Abraham Lincoln
- Alien Pilot
- Animated Paul Revere
- Antonin Scalia's Head
- Awakening Machine
- Barrel Salesman
- Bendee Boo Theme Singer
- Bending Robot #1
- Berry Burglar
- Blonde Street Racer
- Blue Elder
- C-3PO
- Captain Megameat Narrator
- Captain Yesterday
- Car Smasher #2
- Cash Bones Announcer
- Cashew Cuddlefish
- Cashier
- Cat
- Center Square Bureaucrat
- Chihuaha Doctor
- Chud
- Cinema Clerk
- Claws Pinchy
- Coffee Machine
- Commercial Announcer
- Commercial Announcers
- Commissioner
- Conan O'Brien's Announcer
- Contractor
- Cowardman
- Dark Wizard
- Dick Cheney's Head
- Doc Fiesta
- Documentary Presenter
- Donbot's Lawyer
- Doug
- Dr. Zoidberg 1
- Dr. Zoidberg A
- Dummy #2
- Dust Storm
- Elf
- Elves
- Enos Fry
- EyePhone Commercial Announcer
- Farnsworth's Invention
- Film Narrator
- Filthy Chat Room Users
- Freezer Burn
- Fryfry
- Future Crimes Division Officer
- Garbage Disposal
- Gay Robot
- Gearshift
- George H.W. Bush's Head
- Gorgak
- Gretsky
- Hick
- High Priest
- Human Punching-Bag
- Hungarian Midget Robot
- Hunter #1
- Hunter #3
- Igpee
- James Madison's Head
- Jamming Orange Blast Man
- John Tyler's Head
- Jor-El
- Judge
- Keg Robot
- Killbot #3
- Killbot #4
- Leo's Caddy
- Live Bait Salesman
- Lord Loquat
- M-5438
- Male CDC Scientist #2
- Man with Newspaper
- Martian Native
- Mixmaster Festus
- Mr. Kroker
- Nannybot 1.0
- Narrator
- Network President
- Norman Zoidberg
- Old Billy Everyteen
- Old Man in Line
- Old Man in Queue
- Old Slave
- Philip J. Fry 1
- Philip J. Fry 1729
- Philip J. Fry 31
- Philip J. Fry A
- Philip J. Smardy
- Plastic Surgeon
- Popsicle Salesman
- President McNeal
- President of the Network
- Prime Minister
- Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth 1
- Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth 420
- Prof. Hubert J. Farnsworth A
- Professor Algebra
- Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth XVII
- Profestro
- Propaganda Film Presenter
- R.J.
- Radio DJ
- Ratman
- Road Runner
- Robo-Fry
- Robo-Puppy
- Robot Bartender
- Robot Comic Con Host
- Robot Crowd
- Robot Doorman #1
- Robot Elder #1
- Robot Leaving Theatre #1
- Robot Rabbi
- Robot in Jury #3
- Ron Whitey
- Root Creature
- Runner
- Scruffy
- Sears-Roebuck Salesman
- Senator
- Senior Citizen
- Sewer Mailman
- Sheldon
- Sheriff Burley
- Sheriff Furley
- Simulated Dr. Zoidberg
- Simulated Philip J. Fry
- Simulated Professor Farnsworth
- Sinclair
- Skipper
- Slave Enquiring About Weight Loss Program
- Slow-Mobile Bureaucrat
- Small Glurmo #2
- Space Bee #1
- SpongeBot SquareBolts
- Striped Biologist Taunter
- Superhero
- TV Announcer
- TV Special Worker
- Tactillian
- Thallium Buyer
- The Honorable Judge 723
- The Zookeeper
- Tom Snift
- Transition Announcer
- Tree Voice
- Trek Fan #1
- Uncle Vladimir
- Vomit Advertisement
- Wailing Fungus
- Warren Harding's Head
- Wine Bucket
- Year 5 Million Male
- Zoidy(Synchronisation)
- Stimpy
- Ren Höek
- Mr. Pipe
- Salesman
- Announcer
- Mr. Horse
- Mrs. Buttloaves
- Shaven Yak
- Ren Höek (some lines)
- The Announcer Salesman
- Man
- Policeman
- Victor's Dad
- Abraham Lincoln
- Archie
- Baby Crab
- Bacon
- Badger
- Bank Reporter
- Bats
- Billy The Beef Tallow Boy
- Blue-Crested Biddies
- Bulldog Bouncer
- Cats
- Clam
- Colonel Scrambolio
- Crocostimpy
- Cyclops
- Doctor
- Dogcatcher
- Dr. Sloth
- Dusty Claus
- Egg Yolkeo
- Elvis Presley
- Evil Ren
- Explodey
- Explody
- Filthy
- Fly
- Fly #2
- Genie
- Granny
- Gray Dog Bouncer
- Hideously Evil Ren
- Hobo
- Hotel Concierge
- Indifferent Ren
- Jughead
- Lawyer
- Liberoache
- Log Commercial Announcer
- Louie Lungbubble
- Magic Nose Goblins
- Mailman
- Man Eating Village Idiot
- Millionaire
- Mr. O
- Mummified Bog Man
- Myron
- Narrator
- News Reporter
- Oaf
- Old Man Hunger
- Papa Crab
- Pierre
- Police Officer
- Polly the Polyp
- Poopy
- Powdered Toast Man
- Priest
- Producer
- Ren Beetle
- Ren Flower
- Ren Höek (one line)
- Ren Höek (segment: "Monkey See, Monkey Don't")
- Ren Rex
- Sammy Mantis
- Seagull
- Shady Brain Farm Workers
- Stimpy's Nose
- Stimpysaurus
- Stinky
- Sven Hoek
- TV Announcer
- Teenagers
- Tex
- The Ghost
- The Grey Tufted Old Fogey
- The Hermit Union Worker
- The Leprechaun
- The President
- The Wily Tree Geezer
- Toast
- Various
- Wildebeest
- Yak
- Zookeeper(Synchronisation)