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- A sensitive woman who fell down on account of convencionalism. Her dull life will convey her to a tragic fate.
- Doña Ángelica - a young widow recently 18 years old - falls in love and wants to marry an army officer named Don Manuel, but to do so she must evade the vigilance of her sister-in-law who wishes to send her to the convent for the rest of her life. For this he elaborates an ingenious deception that allows him to communicate with Don Manuel in a seemingly mysterious and inexplicable way, appearing like a goblin or ghost.
- Romance starts in Rio between a Mexican tenor being wooed for a Buenos Aires production, and an Argentine gal who has won a soap contest and who he thinks is rich.
- Lola is a South American singer who lives in Paris but yearns to return to her hometown with her daughter. One night a Nazi general, who needs a foreign singer for an espionage mission, bursts into her mansion and forces her to infiltrate a group of rebels in exchange for passports for her and her daughter.
- Three smugglers pick up a girl who goes to Puerto Esperanza while they sail through Alto Paraná and they fight for her but she ends up going with a stranger.
- A group of young people from the Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires recount their wanderings and their days in high school at the time of the National Organization in Buenos Aires.