
Chris Jackson

Vice President and program director of Ipsos’ US strategic research and polling practice

Chris Jackson is a Vice President and program director of Ipsos’ Strategic Research and Polling practice in the United States. His research specialties include public opinion trends, election polling, strategic communications research and reputation research. He works with a wide variety of public and private sector clients including running the Reuters/Ipsos poll with Thomson Reuters, and he is a spokesperson for Ipsos Public Affairs in the US. Chris is an expert on American electoral and public polling with a deep background in the American political system. Beyond politics, Chris has worked across a wide range of research subjects – including technology, healthcare, policy, energy and consumer issues. Chris has been a commentator in major news outlets in the United States and abroad, including Huffington Post, USA Today, Reuters, BuzzFeed, BBC, Sky News, and CBS, as well as original commentary from Ipsos. Chris earned his BA from the University of Southern Mississippi and did his graduate work at the University of Georgia (MA) where he specialized in American elections.

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