Updating the MATLAB license

On this page you can find hints how to update your MATLAB license, which will expire soon. We will update this page with new hints, as soon as we come across new “methods” how to solve this problem.

Updating from the MATLAB GUI

This is the easiest way (but it does not work for all users):

  • Click on: Help -> Licensing -> Update Current License.
  • MATLAB will download and install the new license file
  • restart MATLAB – the expiration message should not show up again

If your MATLAB was installed by an administrator, you might need to do the steps above by starting MATLAB as administrator (Windows: right-click, and then ‘Run as administrator’).

Updating the license file directly

If updating from the GUI fails, you can download a license file from the MathWorks license center, and replace the existing license file. For this, follow those steps:

  • Go to mathworks.com, and login with your MathWorks account
  • Click on ‘My licenses’ in the menu to the left, and download a license file for your installation and MATLAB version (file name will be ‘license.lic’)
  • Find the folder with the license file on your computer – under Windows this will typically be ‘C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XXx\licenses', for other operating systems consult this web page.
  • Delete the existing files in this folder, and copy in the downloaded license file
  • start MATLAB

Updating by a new activation

This is an alternative method, and can be used if your MATLAB license has already expired, and you cannot start MATLAB any longer.

  • Find the activation client for your MATLAB installation (Windows and R2022a and earlier: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XXx\bin\winXX\activate_matlab.exe / R2022b and later: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R20XXx\bin\win64\MathWorksProductAuthorizer.exe) – all other operating systems check this page.
  • Run the activation process – you need to be online for this, and need to access your MathWorks account name (and password).