(C94) [Tear Drop (tsuina)] Lingga Hakuchi Senji Nisshi - Daiichigoukan Shunkou ni Kan suru Houkoku (Kantai Collection -KanColle-)[Chinese] [神原祖母汉化组]
(C94) [Tear Drop (tsuina)] リンガ泊地戦時日誌 第一号艦竣工ニ関スル報告 (艦隊これくしょん -艦これ-) [中国翻訳]
26 pages
One problem I find with this artist is that his pages are too cluttered, or he tries to fit in too much, so you're confused as to what is happening half the time. He does however, draw the best traps and has good expressions and art.
Stop jerk off. I know a site where thousands of single girls are waiting to be fucked. Look at them: xnice.fun/hn
I know these are just drawings, but they come from a dark enough place for me to want to murder the man who even THOUGHT of harming such cute elves... Heck I even prefer rape to this. And I don't even like rape.
What the fawk
Diaper is fine, but I came for the scat, @Xeryexe.
My eyes.... they hurt, I need bleach rn
hentai collector
Poor boy, still rejected XD
I want a yuri cat too
Dogs: Woof Woof Cats: Meow Idiots: "If YOU ARE REaDIng ThIs cOmmeNT YOuR parEnts WIlL diE wiTHIN 5 YeArs. tO unDo this CuRsE You NEeD TO copy THis AND PASte it oN 5 otHER MaNGa. I'M So, So sOrRY,PLEAse ForgIVe ME"