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Kicks Condor


Del Monte/Bloomberg Quarterly called me “the most exquisite mind in Grape-Nuts marketing that this generation has seen…” And that was in the late-80’s! Expelliarmus!!

What’s up around here? Here’s a brief tutorial, if you’re new to the Extended Grape-Nuts/National Treasure ]|[ Universe:

I cover unique personal blogs and websites. To see my whole site unfiltered, visit /all/. I am online Mondays and Thursdays.

Working on these right now:

  • Fraidycat: Follow blogs, wikis, Twitter, Instagram, anything.
    (Out now for Firefox, Chrome and various desktops.)
  • href.cool: My personal guide to the WWW.
    (Twenty year project - to continue until December 2038.)
  • Sneaky Wiki: A little peer-to-peer wiki for Beaker Browser.
  • Duxtape: Li’l mixtape-sharing site on the Hypercore network.
  • Slaptrash: Zines made of vids + mp3s + fx + computer talking.
    (Developing ideas for the future of this blog.)
  • Indieweb.xyz: A Reddit-like site for blogs with Webmentions.
    (Three year project - until July 2021. If it’s still useful, I’ll continue it.)
  • Href Hunt: Somewhat monthly raw search for new blogs, feel free to send yours in - I post everything I discover.
  • Dat Rats: Recreate my favorite broken websites.
    (Working on restoring thewoodcutter.com right now.)

But mostly I’m linkhunting and hypertexting. Go see the right-hand side of my homepage for blogs I like and converse with right now.

(This site is all my work - except that I’m using two animated gifs on my home page right now: ‘white noise glitch’ by Paul Layzell and ‘art yolo’ by Bryan Unger.)

22 Jul 2022

He hadn’t even gotten the letter into the envelope when he was sprayed down with Ending Gel. I know what the letter said because I was the one who sprayed him down. I tore the letter from his gnarled, dead grasp. It was an honest mistake, killing him — he was naked at the time, just lounging around in his car without a stitch of clothing on, the spitting image of an enemy soldier.

— p. 118, Super Flat Times by Matthew Derby

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21 Sep 2021

Back at it - scrapchat today (Sept 21st) at 6 PM Eastern with Talita of UH. Starting with the topic of Sunshine69 and moving outward from there. Talita is like one of my favorite people ever, so I am personally very excited about this.

  1. Hi what is scrapchatting? I see this on Indieweb.xyz but don't know what it is! Thanks :)

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16 Sep 2021

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The Woodcutter (1997)

Finished my personal archive of the classic Flash website.

Looks like I first started working on this backup of thewoodcutter.com back in May of 2019. At the time, a lot of the Flash preservation projects out there were just starting out - like Flashpoint and Ruffle. I decided to take an hour this week and see if anything had improved and… was able to get Ruffle working pretty well right off.

I have no idea if The Woodcutter will appeal to anyone out there - I personally really found it fascinating. It made me feel like the Web wasn’t just going to be a recreation of mainstream art - but was an avenue for its own sensibilities. And it felt like so much of the Web would be doomed to be underground - which was a good thing in my mind. Hidden corners, cult classics, experimental shit.

In hindsight, I think The Woodcutter hints at the future - art games like Samorost (which was also at first an early Web Flash game), messy handmade meme faces, and cryptic websites like Superbad or Terminal 00.

I had also planned to revive the Bob Dylan ‘Like a Rolling Stone’ - which was down for a year or so - but it is back in business. Another possible target for my archive is Pharrell’s 24 Hours of Happy, which just isn’t quite functional any longer.

It’s interesting that The Woodcutter has disappeared from the Internet - while other contemporaries like Fly Guy have managed to find their way to Flash preservation sites across the Web.

Maybe it’s just not as well known. Hope you enjoy it!

  1. Holy CRAP! I think I actually visited this site when I was like ten years old! I think this person also created another netart earlyweb Flash dealio called 'The Cave,' but I haven't been able to find the URL for it. Do ya know if you can find/host a copy of it or has it been lost to the websharks of yesterday? Either way, _fantastic_ find. I'm thankful that Ruffle is pulling most of the weight here, too -- I'm hopeful that it'll be able to support all AS2 Flash movies before too long! Thanks so much, Kicks!!
  2. This is amazing! Thanks so much for working on this backup. I was just discussing the Woodcutter with a friend and lo and behold here it is in all its original glory. And The Cave, do you have a copy of that as well?

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29 Aug 2021

The Life and Death of an Internet Onion

Net.art? Literature? Zine? No, an Internet onion.

This project only appears to have about two weeks left - but it’s a good time to check it out because there’s a lot there now. A lot of onion!

This is a webzine - concept by Laurel Schwultz, but made possible by a team - where new writing is added from contributors every day for five weeks. (Back for its second season, it appears: here’s a snapshot from last August.[1])

The onion works like so:

Just so you know, onions grow new layers from the inside-out. The oldest layers are on the outside, and the newest on the inside.

In true onion skin style, you can slightly make out the next entry in the background of the current entry you’re reading. You can also browse by contributor.

This new site includes the 2020 onion as well - the new season starts at layer twenty-three.

Part of what really pushed me to posting about this, though, is this amazing spreadsheet:

Internet Onion Decay Spreadsheet.

From a blog post where the stylesheets are laid out.

The internet onion is decaying by phases because it has to be, given the basic hand-coding HTML and CSS we are using. We could write a script, but we are lazy, and there won’t be that many more phases of decay than this, Laurel thinks to herself. (Although down the line, Laurel would like to also degrade the content itself and source code, but that will be in Late Decay.)

So this is like the full 90’s web reenactment here.

I hope this continues to be a staple of the Web. The bots can’t keep up with the handmade Web. It’s too small - they can’t even BE that small!

  1. And here’s a snapshot from a few months into its decay. (Notice the barely visible ‘peel’ button in the lower-left corner.) ↩︎

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28 Aug 2021


A very impressive ‘wiki’/‘zettelkasten’/‘directory’ - not to be missed if you’re into FedWiki or Andy Matuschak’s notes.

Directories aren’t surging. There isn’t this nascent directory movement fomenting - ready to take on the world. Directories aren’t trending.[1]

But there is a certainly really sweet little directory community now. From the Marijn-inspired stuff listed in Directory Uprising to the link-sharing ‘yesterweb’ collected around sadgrl.online - or the originals at Indieseek and i.webthings.

Barnsworthburning (by Nick Trombley) is a very formidable addition to this commuity - a clean, multilayered design and an innovative bidirectional index.

I know it bills itself as a ‘commonplace book’ or ‘Zettelkasten’ - I like to view it through the lens of a personal web directory - simply a collection of links and knowledge that acts as a portal to other things.

To the author, it’s a box to store things. But to us it’s a way of finding the vital pieces of this beautiful disastrous Web - which becomes more beautiful and more disastrous by the day!

Some of the entries are links with summaries; other entries are quotes and excerpts from larger articles.[2]

Oh but what sets BWB apart is this triptych view.


The left is an index of tags and creators. The center contains the entries beneath the selected tag or creator. And the right-hand side shows details for related articles and entries that link back.

To use the detail pane, you click on any of the attached excerpts or bidirectional links at the bottom of an entry.

Attached excerpts and bidirectional links.

Sometimes these excerpts are fragments inside of a larger entry. For example, here ‘Its place in the web of nature’ is linked to ‘crafting repair’ - even though its just attached to ‘A Pattern Language’, the book the thought comes from.

'A Pattern Language' details.

This also gets used to group together metapages - such as the (basically) ‘about’ page.

I’ll leave it to you to explore now. I feel like we could see some really interesting riffs on this setup in the future. It’s great.


  2. Acting somewhat like an archive as a result. ↩︎

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20 Aug 2021

Bull of Heaven

77,898,996,714 years of DRM-free musical tracks.

Not so much a musical recommendation here; illuminating another web corner. Seems like I’ve encountered this before, but it bears revisiting.

Currently there are 333 releases from this band right there on the home page. Some are a few minutes long, others are seven years long. A few (like 211 - With Muffled Sound Obliterating Everything) are negative in length.[1] Still others have unknown length.

One of the more popular tracks is called n and is 87,708,958,333,333 hours and 20 minutes long. There is a ‘simulated’(?) excerpt on YouTube which runs closer to 10 hours. (In accordance with 2010s tradition.)

A very interesting track, though, is ‘A Lovely Pear’. Knowing that this kind of stuff is in there makes this whole project a lot more than just audio file math.

I discovered this group while plowing through the recordcollector1972 wiki - which is another story, conveniently linking some recent interests on this blog.

Recordcollector1972 is a YouTube channel adjacent to SiIvaGunner. However, instead of high-quality video game rips, the channel posts high-quality music tracks. These are mostly all mashups, but there are some very straightforward rips, such as Depeche Mode’s ‘Enjoy the Silence’.

The channel departs into strange terrain sometimes with very obscure tracks, like this Nero’s Day at Disneyland mashup - never thought I’d run across such a thing! Or this New Deluxe Life parody.[2]

And, okay - what’s this?

(Also want to mention here, while we’re off on abandoned trails, that SiIvaGunner’s recent foray into Aphex Twin / Space Jam / GTA V territory is pretty frightening. This will obliterate many college educations.)

  1. This particular track is -47’22". I clicked on it and nothing played. But I also might have just finished it. ↩︎

  2. Which is DEFINITELY a musical recommendation that I can make. It kind of cancels out your college education if you haven’t brought it current by listening to this album. Good knowledge here. ↩︎

  1. This post is why I read this blog. I come in not understanding the subject because I haven't heard of it and leave not understanding the subject but at least now I've heard of it. Five stars.
  2. That New Deluxe Life thing is sampling Jerma985. He's a Twitch streamer and sometimes a performance artist. The "audiojungle" sample in particular relates to jerma in a panic over some music during a re-stream of some gaming event. Streamers fear music, and for good reason.

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One Year of Maya.Land

Is becoming a rather foundational location on the altweb methinks…

Maya gets it. I mean I don’t even know if I get it as much as Maya does. Glad to sit back and learn at this point.

After a year, there’s no need to get high-minded. Maya.land is just fun.

But let’s get high-minded anyway. Is maya.land a blog? Is it a wiki? Whatever - it’s hypertext through and through. There’re regular updates, pages devoted to topics (like the goblin manifesto - which also can be blogged to), and responses to things.[1]

I think Maya has a rare formula where aesthetics and wordsmithing get balanced.

In the same way that one might ask “how would the Book of Kells have looked if Columban monks had had access to neon pigments”, I like to use contemporary CSS options as my means toward ends that are a little anachronistic.

I think the pigments do work to say other things that we can’t. Or to be us in this hypertext world that we can’t easily pierce.

To celebrate the inaugural year of maya.land, there is a very precious gift - in the form of this carefully annotated blogroll - a very good map of nearby ‘altweb’/‘outerweb’/‘yesterweb’ people!

Ultimate blogroll spicy pic.

I harp on about personal directories THEY ARE SAVING US and this lovely little catalog gives me a serious, uhh, shall we say… well it gives me the pringles all over. It’s really amusing to me that the 88x31 tiles are making such a come back. I mean we’re really getting quite specific with those dimensions.

Maya.land is also a kind of touchstone for the current pragmatic Indieweb stuff. Webmentions bring in mentions from Twitter and other websites like mine. RSS feeds are still around.[2] Bit of whostyles in there. And a lot of posts get crossposted (manually?) to Lemmy.

I think this shows a kind of middle ground of easy-to-reach protocols that should be more achievable to people. It gets you connected to our world of chatter enough that you’re not alone out here - but also gives you your own iceberg to carve.

  1. Like an iceberg - this comparison was made in Hypertext 2020 - ‘layers of hypertext that become progressively more personal, or which become more detailed, or perhaps even more (or less) ephemeral as you go through the layers.’ ↩︎

  2. Maya: ‘I’m really sick of people complaining that RSS is dead. RSS isn’t dead!’ ↩︎

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07 Jul 2021

No one had ever given him such an effusive, heartfelt handshake, never had anyone but intimate acquaintances stood so close to him, knee to knee, and as a math teacher Herman never did anything to encourage such impulses.

— p. 38, That Time of Year by Marie NDiaye

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17 Jun 2021

Taia777 Archive

Rebane has checkpointed the checkpoints, after a DMCA takedown by Nintendo.

I recently covered Taia777 (and its ‘checkpoints’) here - now many of those videos have now been taken down - along with all of the comments. This appears to have happened on June 15th. Checkpointers have moved to other Stickerbrush Symphonies here and here. It appears that home for checkpointers is any place that this song calls home.

Fortunately the video is now also archived here along with all of the comments.[1] Jonny RaZeR has also made a very good summary of the history and events up to the disappearance of these videos - with a bunch of screenshots taken the week previous.[2]

Rebane - who runs the ‘hobune stream’ YouTube archive says on Reddit:

Hey, I’m an internet archivist and I archived the taia777 channel and also the comments on it. Now that Nintendo has struck down many of the videos, I’m going to share my archives.

This reminds me of a tweet I recently saw from Robin Sloan:

I have developed a pretty strong habit of using youtube-dl to grab “tenuous-feeling” videos, especially those that qualify as some kind of research, and stashing the files away.

I have a stash too - I’m sure many of you have your own! If anyone out there is working on archival tools or has some pointers, please pass them on. It’s a good time for that.

Oh also: this playlist is an incredibly solid directory in this world - and also happens to be SiIvaGunner/Soundclown adjacent. Go get a good education!

  1. Replace /videos in the URL with /comments to see them all. I assume Rebane has a good reason to not directly link to that comments page - so I’m respecting that here as well. ↩︎

  2. The making of the video happened to coincide with the deletion of ‘the lost sanctuary’ - as the author writes in Discord: ‘I was making a video about the original stickerbrush video, and as I was finishing the editing process, and looking for comments, I discovered that the video was blocked by nintendo.’ ↩︎

  1. >I assume Rebane has a good reason to not directly link to that comments page - so I’m respecting that here as well. The reason the pages aren't linked is that my website wasn't built for comments and they were added as a kind of a hack, but you can freely link to those pages!
  2. Ahh! Amazing that you were able to save so many comments in the first place - hard to call such an impressive archive, a ‘hack’. Hardly!

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15 Jun 2021

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10 Jun 2021


Personal directory through-and-through - got some Neocities pointers for you as well.

Ah so - this is a good rabbithole - go click on it, that’s all there is to it.

This site is truly a throwback to the Original World-Wide Web. A personal home page. Pages of links. Tutorials on making your own web page. Lots of little 88x31 link buttons. You can go here and pretty much experience the Web as it was.

One of my favorite areas is the shrines - a collection of mini-sites dedicated to Sadness’ obsessions. These sites are their thing: their own designs, their own feel - I assumed they were external links at first. Yeah, no.

Since the site is on Neocities, there is a page cataloguing the recent updates. I’ve been using Neocities’ RSS feeds - but they are very limited - no indication of what has changed, just a timestamp.

So when I visited Unimaginable Heights’ recent updates page, I was happy to see that it shows thumbnails that are linked to the pages that have changed.

I’ve added support for this to Fraidycat, so that you can keep up with updates to these sites - just follow the url (https://unimaginable-heights.neocities.org/, for example) and it’ll show you a feed of that ‘recent updates’ page.

Screenshot of Neocities follow in Fraidycat.

I like this a lot - no need for a blog - just build your home page on Neocities and people can have a window into what you’re working on day-by-day. Would love to see this on mmm.page!

Oh also - you can find sadness on Spacehey.

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09 Jun 2021

Vivaldi 4.0 Includes Feed Reader

And not as a separate app - but as an integrated part of the browser.

I’ve been using Vivaldi for quite awhile - it’s a Chromium-based browser with quite a lot of interesting features, such as tab groups, tiling windows, and customizable sidebars. Their new RSS reader is rather elegant - as it’s just part of an inbox page that’s integrated into the browser - and can act as both an e-mail client and a feed reader!

I’ll personally continue to use Fraidycat with Vivaldi - because the ‘inbox’ metaphor doesn’t work for the volume of feeds I like to follow - but it’s great to see a resurgence of support for RSS in recent weeks. (I’m thinking particularly of Chrome for Android’s new ‘follow’ button.)

Vivaldi Mail/Reader

You can access the e-mail/reader pane by visiting vivaldi://mail/.

Kind of wish you could hook into the RSS ‘subscribe’ button in extensions - but hey at least it’s there! The icon shows up in the address bar when feeds are detected - and you can click there to subscribe.

There’s also a preview window to show you the contents of a feed. Nice touch to see if the feed shows the full text of a post.

Vivaldi RSS Preview

I think this is one of the better RSS integrations among browsers over the years. Firefox used to have a way of monitoring RSS as a ‘live bookmark’ - which was REALLY WEIRD. This was removed in 2018.

  1. @kicks I just updated my Vivaldi this morning, haven't had a chance to dig into the new feautures yet, will be interesting to see how they work out.

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28 May 2021

‘A mascle is a voided lozenge—that is, a lozenge with a lozenge-shaped hole in the middle—and the rarer rustre is a lozenge containing a circular hole. A field covered in a pattern of lozenges is described as lozengy; a similar field of mascles is masculy.’

— Wikipedia article for Lozenge, “Heraldry”

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The world of checkpoints in the YouTube comments.

Ran across this link in the mmm.page discord last week. I’m not linking to the video part of the page here - to be honest, I haven’t watched it yet. The video is not irrelevant here - but there is just a lot going on in the comments.

In fact, these aren’t just comments - but checkpoints! A new kind of comment where you check in and say how life is going. That’s all there is to it![1]

The Taia777 Sanctuary Discord describes checkpoints as ‘spiritual comments’:

When people listen to the song and see the background of the vines/sky, it invokes a sense of nostalgia and curiosity. It’s hard to explain. It brings you back to a simpler time, when everything was controlled and bliss. But it can also amplify the current state you’re in, causing a complete reevaluation of yourself, and perhaps an epiphany of your existence as well. Many people have found solace in the comment section, as they pour their hearts and souls out to anonymous people on the internet.

It’s unknown what the first spiritual comment was, but when the video was first recommended to me around 2017, I recall seeing people question their identity and reality; I had also translated several of the Japanese comments, many of them sending their love to the unknown and those who are lost. Ever since I can remember, the taia777 comment section has been filled with love and, for many people, has been a safe space where people can vent with no repercussions. Everyone’s experience with these videos is different, but what’s universal is the utilization of the pathos. Emotions will be involved one way or another.

An even more popular video is taia777’s “Corridors of Time” video - while there are some checkpoints attached to this video, most of it is color commentary on this peculiar subculture.

Along similar lines (and also brought up in the original discussion on Discord,) this video of Porter Robinson & Madeon’s “Shelter”. Except that the comments section in this video is dominated by a single user (name of JustJeff) posting checkpoints daily!

From a few hours ago:

Day 824: Finished “That time I got reincarnated as a slime” season 2 today. Man I love that anime

Sorry, it’s not strictly JustJeff. There are a lot of comments that are fake checkpoints, parodies or copycats.

I can’t help but feel that the stigma around YouTube comments - once seen as the premiere cesspool of the Internet - has perhaps made them the perfect spot for this kind of natural flowering of humanity. A great balancing has transpired.

  1. It actually is so much better than a normal comment. ↩︎

  1. Hey, I am glad you discovered taia. I founded the initial discord with Izeezus, and am proud to see how far our community has come.

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12 May 2021


Personal home pages strike back – an incredibly elegant and friendly tool from @xhfloz.

Weiwei spotted this one some months ago - a tweet showing a responsive website builder:

I’ve been working on a dead simple way to make websites.

Drag-and-drop, free-form, collage-like.

Well, today mmm.page is out! So good! Please share your pages in the comments.

Over the past few months, I have seen this tool become incredibly polished - and have had some great chats with XH, discussing the plans for it. But even today - what a killer tool! Works brilliantly on mobile devices. Easily an heir to the throne of the original Byte page maker.

Don’t want to speak for XH here, but there has been talk about self-hosting pages as well.

a) definitely want to support the use case of self-hosting. i think the ideal world is… “decentralized” hosting

b) at the same time, i want to support ppl who have no technical knowledge. let ppl put up a website within a minute or two – a presence online.

I asked about how the service will be kept alive, given that so many website builders end up capitulating to ad revenue and “engagement stuff” - the reply was “I would rather have no service running than one doused with advertisements.”

There is such a community of zazzy web tools coming together lately! Brilliant work, XH.

  1. @kicks Wow! I love these sorts of projects. Such a nice way to make website-building feel less imposing and restrictive.

  2. Reply: Such Nice


    @kicks Wow! I love these sorts of projects. Such a nice way to make website-building feel less imposing and restrictive.

    The designer in this case has just done great work refining over the past six months. To pour that much time into a single-page tool! I really think this project has legs.

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10 May 2021

Pinboard Walls Up For the Moment

Someone’s hyperactive spider got loose.

Clearly the radio silence on this one means that perhaps I am the only one who is affected here. Many of my personal link-hunting escapades begin on the Pinboard tag and user pages – those pages have been closed to the public for the past week, requiring a login to access.[1]

Pinboard: User+tag pages will remain limited to logged-in users only because someone is trying to do a distributed crawl of Pinboard at about 40 queries per second. They didn’t even buy me dinner first

I asked if this was a permanent change and got a quick reply:

I don’t like it, but right now it’s my only defense against heavy distributed crawling.

I’m going to take the phrase ‘right now’ as an indicator that this is a brief manuevre.

Logins for Pinboard are $22/year - very reasonable - a small fee to pay for the wealth of information within. But would be sad to see such a gift to the Web forced into a hole. (Especially since we recently saw some activity on twin site Delicious, after nearly ten years in a hole of its own.)

At the same time, I’m surprised there are no Pinboard-like sites in the Fediverse. There are ‘link-sharing’ sites, but they’re all more like Reddit.

  1. Happily, the RSS feeds are still up. (Sssssh! Let’s not jinx it!) Sample URL: https://feeds.pinboard.in/rss/t:chiptune ↩︎

  1. But...Pinboard owns del.icio.us.

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01 May 2021

Web Curios Returns!

The greatest (HEAVIEST) linkdump of our era emerges without skipping a beat.

Ayyy!!! Frantic ayyyy!!! CURIOS IS BACK. Previously a regular feature of Imperica zine - which sadly disbanded a year or so ago. But I’m glad to see Curios return on its own website.

Initially this will save us a lot of time because we won’t have to surf the Web ourselves any more. However, we now have to surf each episode of Web Curios - start yer scrolllllling.

Imperica sadly folded, but thanks to the able assistance of Shardcore (website and spaffwrangling), Ant (design) and Kris (email gubbins) all the Web Curios from the past have been retrieved and resurrected, and the whole horrible, overlong, emotionally-traumatic, faintly-exhausting rigmarole can begin anew – I can only imagine the look of excited expectation (that’s what that is, right?) thats spreading across your chops as you read this.

(Oh - incidentally, if you want to follow with RSS, here’s a super seekrit link for you…) Nvm - REAL FEED: webcurios.co.uk/feed/. (thank ya krisu - in comments below.)

  1. They have actual RSS feed, you don't need "email to RSS": https://webcurios.co.uk/feed/

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06 Apr 2021


Track ripper extraordinaire of the imaginary video game kingdom.

It’s possible that you’re reading this thinking, “Okayyyy, uh Kicks? You can dig up rare TiddlyWikis and out-of-the-way neo-cities, but you’re just discovering SiIvaGunner??” Hey, I’m sorry! I don’t know who is reading this or what anyone knows or what’s IMPORTANT OKKKK!!

Let me start by saying that I’ve been asking around in kid circles - and it’s not unlikely that they know SiIvaGunner. HOWEVER. They don’t really know SiIvaGunner - they often have just heard the video game soundtrack “rips” - high quality rips - posted to the YouTube channel. And they uncritically accept them - videos such as “Horse Race (Extended Mix) - The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time” - as nothing more than high quality rips.

Of course, if you happen to continue down the SiIvaGunner storyline - which is easy to do, since a dozen new videos might appear each day - you can end up at videos like: “Main Theme (Anniversary Edition) - Wii Shop Channel” or “Title Theme & Ending - 7 GRAND DAD”. A “rip” can be a mashup, a remix, a medley, mixed-up sentences - stuff like that.

Of course, the channel has fought through several takedowns over the past six years - since it purports to be unironically infringing copyright and distributing unedited tracks.[1] (A cover story which plays into its “fake out” strategy.)

Anyway, SiIvaGunner isn’t a single person. There are about 300 active contributors - more than 900 people having contributed to the catalog.

So this is obviously a deep well to try to dive into with a massive Discord channel and wiki and network of YouTube and Twitter accounts, regular livestreams and ARG events. I think my favorite place to point people is the GilvaSunner Bandcamp page, which regularly releases new compilations assembled by the collective.

There is a wider “high quality rips” scene - like CrystalForce is a great example I recently stumbled into.

If you’re interested in more backstory, look for interviews with Chaze the Chat.

  1. The wiki also says for “misleading content”. It’s a rough time for fiction. ↩︎

  1. SilvaGunner is one of those rite of passage discoveries for the internet. It also took me ages to find it though, even after hearing a lot of their rips in other places
  2. Nice he retweet it >:]

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03 Apr 2021


An 11-person HTML community.

Found this off the creator’s website: anemon.es. Which is also good fun - click on “my old site zzz” as well - good stuff in there too.

But back to e-worm club. It’s basically just a shared directory of files. Some of them are doing twtxt.txt[1] - but many of the pages are .gmi files?? Anyway, just click around on names and files and you’ll find hidden blogs.

Wish more people got to build the little out-of-the-way community that they want to build. This is custom!

This is unrelated sorta - but I didn’t share it at the time, so I’m going to tack it on here as well. One person I met on special.fish some months ago is mikael.

But mikael’s pinboard is the place you want to go. A lot of great links. Furthermore, the homepages tag of mikael’s is fii-urrr. Ugg saying it like that doesn’t help. How do I express enthusiasm here suitably? It’s good. It’s very good.

  1. Which also is a fun website - to just visit domains that are in the listing. ↩︎

  1. Looks like e-worm.club uses Flounder, a gemini hosting software: https://admin.flounder.online/
  2. Reply: Ahh Gemini Right Right


    Looks like e-worm.club uses Flounder, a gemini hosting software: https://admin.flounder.online/

    Ok wow - appreciate this insight! Had played with the browsers, but wasn’t familiar with the extension. Sure enough - e-worm.club is browsable with Gemini.

  3. Hi i am the maker, its like a fork of flounder, makes a bunch of different design decisions bc its meant to be used by people who are already friends and already trust. Code here: https://git.sr.ht/~radioalice/e-worm.club

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24 Mar 2021


Draw amazing emoji mosaics - by Shannon Lin

This fantastic art tool is going right into my href.cool Web/Participate collection! Made by Shannon Lin - equally fascinating website at hello-shannon.com - what a sensation to use the fill tool to pour lollipops and little external hard drive icons into circles and squiggle shapes. I’ve recently had some fun with MacPaint - and this stirs up all the same freewheeling spraycan feelings!

My poor rendition of Toulouse-Lautrec is here no here - for some reason the link isn’t working, might be too big of an image.

Kind of a cool facet that the images show up differently on the different platforms.

mobile support has been solved!! thanks @bwasti – the animated emojis are still coming … please do hold your breath n stay tuned

Links to canvases can get huge - but glad it’s all there in the query string. Keep a URL shortener close.

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05 Mar 2021

Herb Quine Interviews Herb Quine

The beginning of a new series where readers thoroughly interview themselves.

Some time ago, I had a reader send me a very curious e-mail. It was an interview that they had conducted. In fact, they had interviewed themself!

At first, this was very puzzling.[1] But, on some reflection, I realized what a gift this was! I don’t like my part of the interview very well anyway. This is the answer!

Also I can’t stress to you enough - THIS IS NOT FICTIONAL OR SOME KIND OF HOAX. This is actually an e-mail I received of someone interviewing themselves. Feel free to contribute your own if you want to. I am beyond serious. I’m in some kind of state of eigenseriousness that goes by the street name of CAVE. AGED. CHEDDAR.

> Herb Quine enters the digichat.

Herb Quine: You are invited to a house boat party at Ted Nelson’s place. What do you bring?

Herb Quine: A dozen balloons and a first edition of “Lagos During The 80s - The Birth Of Competitive Knitting In An Era Of Overinsurance” by Lula Drury. Also, a pet hamster in case Werner Herzog shows up.

Herb Quine: Speaking of Werner Herzog, name at least one film missing in his filmography and how to fix this grave mistake with the help of a voucher for 53 free time machines minutes to be used for a single travel to a time before October 1995.

Herb Quine: Easy, the film in question would be the missing biopic of Mike Tyson focusing on his time as a scholar of Medieval Media Studies in the field of Carolingian Reality TV, played by Bruno Schleinstein and filmed entirely in Yiddish. How to use the time machine should be obvious enough.

Herb Quine: More seriously now, why a pet hamster?

Herb Quine: Pet hamsters are the closest thing to miniature grizzly bears, a fact which is of course entirely unrelated to their remarkable characteristics as party animals (the hamsters, not the bears, though they might qualify, too…). The purpose of the hamster at Ted’s party is thus twofold: In the unlikely event that a discussion of Xanadu’s future turns into an attempt to establish the Seasteading Republic Of Hypertext, someone needs to keep the engines chugging along. And secondly, you need a fluent German speaker to reminisce about Wagner with Werner (coincidentally also the title of the longest running radio show in Nigeria’s Yiddish enclave).

Herb Quine: You walk down to the shore to buy a new edition of “Learning Perl”, as you do every Thursday. But when you reach the ice cube factory, you suddenly realize that Unicode is pointless. Sure, you can play quite a few nice little language games with all these emojis they keep adding, but the burrow only goes so far. And then you hit the parking lot of the Consortium’s reserved committee parking spaces and tumble head first onto the seat of a convertible. Which makes sense, I guess, until you realize that the wonderful weather of the bay area is no bueno for rhizomes and others of their ilk. They need constant watering, don’t they?

Herb Quine: Sorry, was there a question?

Herb Quine: Yeah, all right, enough with the rambling. Let’s get down to business. What’s your affiliation with the FBI and are you or have you ever been an agent engaged in any work of endeavor related to printables, convertibles, mazes or any combination thereof?

Herb Quine: I can neither confirm nor deny the existence of the information sought. Also, classical logic is overrated and all these lying Cretan hipsters are not nearly as interesting as they think. If you ask me, and you just did, they are just lazy bums who came up with this lying-business as an excuse to get out of the real work of building tremendously beautiful walls like real Cretans do. These kids nowadays, let me tell you…

Herb Quine: Dat / Hypercore / Beaker sure look very interesting, but aren’t they a technical solution to a problem of the medium? One great aspect of Fraidycat is that it doesn’t care how established or indie your chosen medium is, in a way it feels as if Fraidycat is rerouting and connecting existing media to extend and create new media. It doesn’t care if you’re Kylie Jenner or Ted Nelson, it doesn’t (much) care about the underlying technology, because it changes the topology of the existing pieces while not denying that centralized sub-parts of the network still exist. Is a more foundational project like Dat / Hypercore / Beaker orthogonal to that idea?

Herb Quine: I know I’m mostly answering rhetorical questions at this point, but this is one that I’m really not sure how to answer. I do love the spirit of Dat / Hypercore / Beaker, I am just a bit suspicious of any attempts to revive the good parts of the personal web without paying attention to why it became less important as a medium (the non-app-web, that is), because I would be hesitant to point to technical reasons. To me, IPFS and SSB in particular often look like solutions that fix all the underlying tech in a very admirable way, without really changing the medium that they are producing or favoring. A decentralized Facebook will still result in a medium very much like Facebook, just at a disadvantage because the technical forces can never be fully aligned with the forces of the medium.[2] I do think that Dat / Hypercore / Beaker are not as susceptible in this regard and I really hope that they do not end up emulating existing media too much. But really, I don’t know, what do you think?

Herb Quine: Is the treasure hunt over? What are we supposed to do now? Wait for National Treasure III? IS THIS REALLY IT? What about CGI Youngface and all the hard shell kayaks that are still lying around in undiscovered places on the globe? What about annie dark?

Herb Quine: Yeah, I don’t think I’m equipped to answer this one. But damn, it was an amazing ride so far.

  1. In an attempt to shed some light on what is going on here, this person DOES preface the interview with a note to me which reads: “I am writing you this electronic letter to defuse the somewhat bizarre situation of having sent you an unsolicited printable maze that perhaps put you in an awkward position. After all, how are you supposed to react to such a strange and perhaps unexpected offering from a stranger on the internet? Well, since the printable maze in question has already escaped into the tubular ether, there is no going back and we might as well get to know each other a little better, what do you say?” (That other e-mail is reprinted in A Verbal History of the Infinitely Printable Maze, for completeness’ sake.) ↩︎

  2. Fine, fine, I’ll cut in here. Can’t you lot just interview yourselves and gotdamn leave me out of it??

    I feel what you saying so acutely - making a distributed web is actually a minor change on the surface - who would notice? (And I’m levels down: not a zealot - I just think it’s fun.) But I think there are cascading effects. When the app and the data and the whole thing is on Facebook’s servers, that has implications. And when the app and the data and the whole are on home computers, that has implications.

    For me, Beaker DOES pay attention to the original good part: view source. It brings view source to the modern ‘ye-app-web’ relevant part you speak of. That’s all. ↩︎

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Bitconnect But It’s

This meme will not die for me - here’s a compilation.

I don’t imagine this meme has had longevity outside my personal skeleton - it’s been three years now. I put this meme on my best of 2010s list and thought I was done with it. But I just keep coming back to it via stuff like this.[1]

This vid is a collection of my favorite set of a certain subset of Bitconnect meme vids: the “…but it’s Bitconnect” vids. (X-Files but it’s Bitconnect, Universal Studios but it’s Bitconnect,…) I already loved the sensations I was feeling in other Bitconnect videos - uncovering a whole subgenre within the wider Carlos Matos movement was quite thrilling!

However, I think this video is very useful.

  • Show off your new 4K projector sound set with this video. It has the full range!
  • One day when a larger “…but it’s…” feature film comes out, documenting the saga, this can be a special feature on the disc. (I would release this vid direct to theatres - but COVID.)
  • The next step is for bands, visual artists and essayists to rally around this subgenre and build a scene. The obvious “band of Bitconnect samples” is open as of now - it’s crazy! Get in.
  • I think there’s a real opportunity here for Marvel to cash in with Vision “Hey Hey Hey” and Vision “I LOOOOVE” merch.

I am doing really good on this post for once.

  1. Oh and the LIVING ROOM DINETTES thing came back recently (for me) here! ↩︎

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09 Feb 2021

The Multiverse Diary

@glitchyowl and I have a new project coming up - based on ‘whostyling’, scrapchats and Hypertext 2020.

I’m basically a Bilbo, content to stay at this corner of Bag End, being a layabout, munching wiki squares and playing all of Soundcloud chronologically in the background. (They were right about this ‘cozy web’ thing!)

Now glitchyowl has snatched my coat collar and dragged me into the woods on adventures. My pipe is still spinning in the air.

This is the tale of purple desert designs, silent HTML livestreams, MacPaint toolbars, Mario Kart-inspired JavaScript and disgustingly gaudy drop shadows.

We’re starting to draw the curtain on Multiverse - our combination of a new ‘blog’/‘wiki’ aesthetic, paired with some Indieweb sprinkles.

Also - we’re doing this diary at Futureland, which is really great. If you’re looking for a (somewhat minimalist) hideaway to blog at - but with much more style that the pastebins and a nice community - give it a go.

Of course there’s not the autonomy of a self-hosted customized TiddlyWiki or Neocities site - but it’s a community. Think of it as a replacement for the old message boards.

  1. do you happen to know if there's an rss feed for the multiverse diary? would love to keep up in my feed reader, but i can't find an rss link anywhere...

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23 Jan 2021

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Squiddo’s Podcasts

Anything can happen.

Episode one of this podcast is a rereading of the ‘Cars 1’ movie script. Episode two is Squiddo and sister explaining every character in the Danganronpa universe. (Doesn’t matter if you know anything about that - 1. they will teach you from the ground up and 2. they mostly talk about restaraunts.)

Most of the time you can’t hear what’s being said bc the mic is too far away. This is a recently discovered podcast recording technique that is the FINAL discovery unlocked in our planet’s World Technology story line. Squiddo is ‘known’ for the Secret Memes Vault playlist.[1]

So yes this kind of podcast is like something you’d find on a cassette tape at a thrift shop. That these recordings are now available to the general public is a boon and an artifact. The world thanks me for finding the courage to unearth these.

It’s my honor to link to something this lowbrow. No one else offer this kind of comprehensive package.

  1. Insofar as it is possible for one to be known for their playlists. ↩︎

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16 Jan 2021


And assorted other peaceful, vibrant websites by Elisabeth Nicula.

I originally first stumbled across Dioramas by way of Elisabeth’s other photo blog Abject Sublime. I can recommend all of it. And more links to other designs and essays at this website.

Of all of it, so far I really get into Dioramas the most. Elisabeth does some clever things with GIFs - but the full-window experiments at Dioramas are beautiful and thought-provoking. It reminds me of early hypertext experiments, in the best way.

Some are GIF landscapes with a halftone touch. Others are caught in a wave. Sometimes you are reading fragments over a feather flitting over the hand.

Pretty neat. See what you find.

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06 Jan 2021

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Elegant mini-directories - “lost tapes, shower thoughts, cool links.”

Here we go: more surprising news in the personal directory front. Who woulda thought. Perfect tiny directories - you all are always asking me about this.

Tray[1] is much like other link page / one-page tools (linktree, carrd, about.me) which lets add you add links and notes to build a rudimentary web page. But it adds a key element: subpages. When you add a subpage, it is linked from the page you added it to. And you can add more inside that new page.

Add a page

So we’re looking at kind of barebones wiki here. Ingenious.

This also feels more freeform and ‘fresh’/‘clean’ than those others.

From @bgdotjpg:

i’m just a normal person, who doesn’t want to write a blog or start a newsletter.

I think this is one of the things that killed blogging - you basically had to be an essayist to do it. (In the perceptions of Internet travellers.) So people jumped ship for these other mediums that weren’t so exhausting.

i’ve tried a lot of site builders. none of them have felt quite right. i don’t want a splashy, highly customized landing page. i’m not an influencer.

i’ve got some cool links though, and some half-formed ideas.

This vibe was actually a big part of the olden Web - all the Geocities pages were like this - a smattering of links, a gif collection, some construction cones. “Hi, this is my page!” And I like to see this mood live on.

Related tweet from @valstals:

i swear neocities is getting really good

  1. Oh, please note: I had some trouble with tray and Chrome. Give Safari a go. Works well on iOS as well. ↩︎

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04 Jan 2021

to: shea

A personal mixtape on Glitch.

Spotted this mixtape on Gossip’s Web: not just an mp3 entitled “A Walk to Remember”, but a really cool page of floating paper wads, apparently done for a Secret Santa exchange.

It’s a good feeling, examining the paper scraps and wondering who is behind them.

something fun to say in German is
which means : next to eachother / sidebyside

You can find a number of similar uses of Glitch on Gossip’s Web.

On the New Year’s Scrappychat (pdf), tinyfluff mentioned wanting to use Glitch for other things:

I desire a nice glitch friendly indieweb blog that supports all the nonsense like webmentions that anyone can start up as easily as a tumblr, so we can get back to a nice place where people had feeds that were just stuff they follow, and people could make stuff accessible to those feedreads very easily, instead of this weird nightmare zone of trying to scrape instagram or whatever. instagram-private-api is pretty nice but I shouldn’t have to emulate a chinese android phone to be able to include content from my friends in my feeds

I think a good start is just to see people continue to use Glitch and Neocities for whatever ideas pop into their heads! It’s the tultywits thing. Webmentions and feeds are nice - but they don’t fill with amazing things on their own.

I mean: is there a way to do this right now without needing to build something elaborate? Like…

  • Make pages on Glitch or Neocities (or Github Pages).
  • Setup an account on Webmention.io and include the HTML snippet on the home page on all of your pages. (I do this on href.cool.)
  • Then, submit your page to a tag on Indieweb.xyz. (Can be done here.)

That tag could then act as the ‘feed’ for your pages. (Or even for a group of people sharing their pages.)

And webmention.io has feeds for incoming messages you get.

I don’t disagree with tinyfluff’s wish at all. But I think that understanding how to cobble together your own little thing - like above - could both help someone put together a tool - and would help anyone wanting to dabble with hypertext in this way.

I also think Gossip’s Web is showing that you may not need a feed for everything. If you can submit to a little directory, then you have a doorway to others as well.

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28 Dec 2020

SPECIAL GREENLAND NEW YEAR SCRAPCHATTING. 9 PM EST on Dec 31st. Weiwei Hsu will be joining us from the year 2021. Peep into the future. We will countdown to Greenlandic midnight, calling on its restorative powers. twitch.tv/kickscondor

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11 Dec 2020

Meat Computer

You don’t have to like this bc I already do.

One thing I love about Meat Computer - every single song has the same “I like this new generation of music” sample. 😆 But really - this is just the same thing I am always posting - very slapshod, goofy and overlooked little bits of whatever.

these fangs
r 4 u

death threats
@ my head
jus 4 bein me
super creatine
fck my chrons disease

drinking kratom
like it’s fucking lean
now im sleepin
in my mommas jeans

Of course, you can barely make any of this out, because the vocals are so perfectly rushed and faint in the far upper reach of falsetto octaves.

Soundcloud page is here. Another great track is ‘nowhere fast’.

I don’t know what covid has done to turn this all into a music blog… but I swear that there are a variety of interesting things coming up once I get my act together. Pray that these HTMLs will manifest themselves to us.

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02 Dec 2020

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22 Nov 2020


Is this stunning human / computer musical collaboration really as unknown as it appears to be???

I am having a very hard time believing that these albums (by human Eryk Salvaggio and computer counterpart Francois Harddisk) have been overlooked. But it’s the same story week after week - who can find anything in the mess of the Internet anymore - with absolutely abyssmal search engines and recommendation engines getting in the way.[1]

Oh and I daresay - the above link is a very thorough, very juicy tracklist.doc of how the creative effort was seeded.

I asked Jukebox to produce new samples from libraries that created music in the style of Francois Hardy, but in the genre of Experimental Hip-Hop, which from what I can tell means a music model trained on Death Grips records. I took these generated pieces (which were maxed out at 1:20 seconds long), cut them up and reassembled them - the same way old records might be sampled for any other hip-hop record. This would form the basis of a handful of these tracks, though in some cases the generated samples were removed from the final product after serving as stems from which the rest of the song would be built.

But this goes even further beyond that! Lyrics are generated by tools such as GPT-2, then fed through a speech synthesizer to produce the singing. The “Oligarchic Ganglions” vid also has a neat bit of “deep fake” ancient history to it.[2]

This is also reminiscent of Robin Sloan’s recent Brian, the Angel of History EP. (Also very good imho!)

Now, please, if you link to THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - and, you can’t see it, but I am shamelessly begging you to do just that - do not link to my flimsy post here, but link straight to the original essay. No one should be an extra click removed from such a wonder.

  1. I only found this by listening to song after song on random Soundcloud playlists. The musical equivalent to a link dump. ↩︎

  2. Like I said - impressive! To think that this could languish in obscurity is heartbreaking… ↩︎

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20 Nov 2020

Directory Uprising

More directories are popping up, many citing Marijn’s Cabinet.

I am barely keeping this site together - particularly since my creators have left me alone now.[1] I suppose they can go on with their lives, off into fortunes, while I have to stay back and do all the work![2]

Ah, well. @glitchyowl is keeping company.[3] And, now in 2020, I present to you a fine, fine, optifine list of directories appearing, without fanfare, but with placid, reverent gratitude gushing through the Internet pipes. Almost all of these give praise to Marijn’s Link Cabinet - which is really exciting for the linkbrarian Mx. van Hoorn!

Gossip’s Web 🡵

A very potent set of links from Elliott Cost, sea king of the special fish. Introduced me to things like Sunday Sites and to the sweet little blog of tiana.computer and to the completely-achievable lists of Doable Lists.

$1 to participate.

Jacob Hall’s Links 🡵

Just a big list of categorized links. I love linking to many of the things on here as well! (Another way to do this is to keep pages for each category, such like Maya does here under ‘ye timeless content’.)

A cheap way to do this kind of thing is to use Listography. You can go into extreme detail (highresness) or petite like (daisy.)

Terra 🡵

‘Cool sites, straight from earth.’ A very nice directory with tags. The source code is on Gitlab.

Some great material, unknown to me: The Bus Stop anonymous message temp space and Spitalfields Life anonyblog. This person knows the Web - a staple in my link trove now.

Failure Tolerated 🡵

A blog by Sean McCoy - here’s the links. Just starting - hoping a link back will encourage more. This makes me think I should start to catalog newsletters in href.cool.

The Lilac Lynx 🡵

Oh, wait - the links page is here. Categories like ‘Soundscapes’, ‘Other worlds’, ‘Tasty things’ - there are some really interesting YouTube channel links in here. Seri! Pixel Biologist?

I also love seeing links to personal things - like the tea companies linked to - which are a window into the life of The Lynx. I’m trying to do more of this as well - such as linking to headache vids in href.cool.

distinctly.pink 🡵

Looks good! I love when static text is part of the directory - such as the list of words here. (Incidentally, there was a list in Gossip’s Web as well.)

Electric Trash Dot Com 🡵

Internet trash. Literally.

This looks like an unassuming list - but there are a lot of things here that I realized I left out of href.cool for reasons of pure negligence.

The Web is so awesome!

  1. They are off doing press junkets? ↩︎

  2. At least Last Days of Disco taught me how sexy Scrooge McDuck can be. ↩︎

  3. Tonight. 11 PM Eastern. On twitch with whatever scraps we have. ↩︎

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11 Nov 2020

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09 Nov 2020


Overlooked Paul Ford project - a suitable 19th Century Twitter substitute.

Ftrain captain and Classic Internet uncle Paul Ford dropped this charming little bit of code back in August that throws up random Internet Archive images.

I’ve replaced Twitter on my phone with a tiny web app that selects page images randomly from a few hundred thousand old books, plus some museum images, and it’s…basically the same mess of America being problematic, goofy memes, and women dunking on men.

Sample images

It’s good fortune that this is such a mix of random photographs, scientific diagrams, magazine covers and such. So it’s a rather cool corpus - compared to Google Books, for instance - which might just turn up legions of dry bricks of out-of-date text. This done with Gutenberg might fare better, who knows.

I mean these random samplings are a nice feeling for an archive. There’s definitely some boring things - a scan of a giant page of identical stamps, a ledger of unreadable faint cursive - but you can’t beat the speed of hopping from image to image until.

This is also a microcosm of rare linkhunting. Scroll and scroll and scroll, then stop. And pay attention to where you stop. That’s the drill. This is the minigame.

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05 Nov 2020

2020.11: What’s New to Href.Cool?

Nearing 10% completion of my twenty year directory project.

New link in Bodies/Adventure:

  • North Pacific Logbook Article 1h
    Sailing from Japan to Canada in 51 days. By Hundred Rabbits, who have a few other entries in this directory. But I’ll let you find those.

Added to Bodies/Human:

  • Gary Crowley’s Headache Vids Video 10m
    I risk losing you here - cause this might seem spammy or something. But I think a good librarian is going to hang on to something sweet, regardless of the optics.

    If you have headaches, give this trilogy of short vids a shot. I’ve recommended these to so many people with positive results. A low-effort victory. I’ll take it.

To Bodies/Inanimate:

  • Ei Wada Page 10m
    Expert at wielding electric fans, scanning striped t-shirts with barcode readers and slapping TV screens. Also part of ELECTRONICOS FANTASTICOS.
  • Love Hultén Video 1m
    Cool, imaginary (but real) devices.

Updated the link to “Ain’t Got No, I’ve Got Life”. The previous vid was removed from YouTube.

To Stories/Poems:

  • "THE NARRATION" (2020) Video 1m

    Wild livers, yes, the neighbors of the lungs, people sleep on livers, I prefer mines in brown gravy, drenched over a bed of white rice.

    More of these @dayne_n_simple.

To Tapes/Classic:

New in Tapes/Infinite:

  • Novas Page 1w
    Not strictly ‘infinite’ - this is like a 10-hour mixtape that has accompanying narrative blog posts to read, telling the story of synthetic humans, driven by images that fall out of the soundtrack. It’s cool what can be done with a simple blog, yeah?

Corrected “Mouth Trilogy” to “Mouth Tetralogy” now that Mouth Dreams is out.

To Tapes/Vaporwave:

Added within Web/Meta:

  • "My Instagram" (2020) Article 10m

    She rolled her eyes at me. “Yeah,” she said, “because everyone knows images are totally uncomplicated and true and exactly what they announce themselves to be.”

Expanded the file transfer entry in Web/Participate:

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29 Oct 2020

I have joined the UnderWater Web! It’s lovely bobbing along. If only these words could be read by a warbly text-to-speech.

Also, the Hypertext 2020 project is complete, nearly one year later: kickscondor.com/HT2020.

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This page is also at kickssy42x7...onion and on hyper:// and ipns://.


glitchyowl, the future of 'people'.

jack & tals, hipster bait oracles.

maya.land, MAYA DOT LAND.

hypertext 2020 pals: h0p3 level 99 madman + ᛝ ᛝ ᛝ — lucid highly classified scribbles + consummate waifuist chameleon.

yesterweblings: sadness, snufkin, sprite, tonicfunk, siiiimon, shiloh.

surfpals: dang, robin sloan, marijn, nadia eghbal, elliott dot computer, laurel schwulst, subpixel.space (toby), things by j, gyford, also joe jenett (of linkport), brad enslen (of indieseek).

fond friends: jacky.wtf, fogknife, eli, tiv.today, j.greg, box vox, whimsy.space, caesar naples.

constantly: nathalie lawhead, 'web curios' AND waxy

indieweb: .xyz, c.rwr, boffosocko.

nostalgia: geocities.institute, bad cmd, ~jonbell.

true hackers: ccc.de, fffff.at, voja antonić, cnlohr, esoteric.codes.

chips: zeptobars, scargill, 41j.

neil c. "some..."

the world or cate le bon you pick.

all my other links are now at href.cool.