The International Journal of Microsimulation
Detailed guidelines for article submissions may be obtained here. Please read these and check that you have conformed to them before submitting your article.
The submission needs to include:
- A cover letter, with a list of 5 suggested referees. The suggested referees must not have a conflict of interest in reviewing the paper, due to their relationship with the authors.
- The main file, in .pdf format.
The file should include all figures and tables, an abstract and a list of keywords.
- If the submission is model-based, the executable of the model, and possibly the source files with the code, all zipped in a .zip compressed file.
*** If for some reason you are unable to submit the executable of the model and/or the source code, please explain why in your cover letter. ***
In the following pages, you will be asked for
- a biography for each author (100 words or less),
- the authors' postal and email addresses and the authors' home pages on the web,
- the title, keywords and abstract for your article,
- the filename or names of your submission
- if this is a resubmisison of an article previously submitted to IJM, the reference for the
previous submission (it will be a code like 2004:45:1, included in the subject line of all email
from the journal about that article).
Ensure that you have these ready before moving on.