OM2M implements oneM2M and SmartM2M standard. It provides a horizontal Service Common Entity (CSE) that can be deployed in an M2M server, a gateway, or a device. Each CSE provides Application Enablement, Security, Triggering, Notification, Persistency, Device Interworking, Device Management, etc.
OM2M exposes a RESTful API providing primitive procedures for machines authentication, resources discovery, applications registration, containers management, synchronous and asynchronous communications, access rights authorization, groups organisation, and re-targeting.
OM2M is a Java implementation running on top of an OSGi Equinox runtime, making it highly extensible via plugins. It is built as an Eclipse product using Maven and Tycho. Each plugin offers specific functionalities, and can be remotely installed, started, stopped, updated, and uninstalled without requiring a reboot.
You can get OM2M by cloning the repository, build it and get started following the OM2M Get Started.
For all documentation, you can take a look at the OM2M Eclipse Wiki.
New and Noteworthy is here to describe the new features of each release from the previous one.
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