Some of the algorithms used inside Embree have been published as research papers at conferences. This page lists all this research as well as Embree related talks at conferences..
Vectorized Production Path Tracing
Mark Lee, Brian Green, Feng Xie, and Eric Tabellion
High Performance Graphics 2017
Fast Construction of SAH BVHs on the Intel Many Integrated Core (MIC) Architecture
Ingo Wald
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 18(1), 2012, pages 47–57
Fast Distance Queries for Triangles, Lines, and Points using SSE Instructions
Evan Shellshear and Robin Ytterlid
Journal of Computer Graphics Techniques (JCGT), Volume 3, Issue 4, pages 86--110, 2014
[Norbert Bus](, Nabil H. Mustafa, and Venceslas Biri
Computer Graphics Forum (Proceedings of Eurographics 2015) 34 (2), 2015