Wow, spammers being mega achievers these days! Thanks, Drew Adams for sending me an email and letting me know. Some days I feel like we’ll end up banning all commercial hosting providers… Thank you all for fighting the good fight! EmacsWikiAdministrators can add entries to BannedHosts and BannedContent. When rolling back a page the wiki offers you to ban contributors and it lists all the URLs that where removed, both of which helps you add the necessary entries. – Alex Schroeder
2024-09-02. They are still at it. Sorry for overeager IP range bans. I’ll figure out the appropriate ranges when I’m back at a decent screen. If you can’t edit pages, look at the last few lines of BannedHosts and check whether that could be a problem. Send me an email at with your IP number if you think there was an error. – Alex