Story by Jose Rodriguez | U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence | 12.05.2024
Lt. Col. Nathan Smith, a Family Medicine Specialist with the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps, was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal during the U.S. Army Medical Center of Excellence quarterly awards ceremony on Dec. 3, 2024. Smith has served with MEDCoE for two and a half years participating in the U.S. Army Medical Department Exchange Program. He is assigned to the Fielded Force......
Story by Lori Newman | Brooke Army Medical Center Public Affairs | 11.12.2024
Brooke Army Medical Center scored high marks and positive feedback from patients on both inpatient and outpatient surveys. Several patients surveyed expressed their gratitude within survey comments....
Story by Lori Newman | Brooke Army Medical Center Public Affairs | 10.22.2024
More than 10,000 service members, military retirees and their family members attended the JBSA Military Retiree Appreciation Day at Brooke Army Medical Center, Oct. 19. The annual event featured more than 80 services, with representatives available to provide health screenings, information, and activities. Flu and COVID-19 vaccinations were available to attendees, as well as blood pressure......
Story by Alex Delgado | 59th Medical Wing | 06.07.2024
Military health leaders gathered at the Randolph Parr Club to celebrate the top faculty members of the year during the San Antonio Uniformed Services Health Education Consortium (SAUSHEC) annual awards dinner May 17....
Story by Lori Newman | Brooke Army Medical Center Public Affairs | 05.31.2024
A Brooke Army Medical Center trauma surgeon was working out at the Jimmy Brought Fitness Center on Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston when something unexpected happened. The person on the treadmill in front of him collapsed....
Story by Lori Newman | Brooke Army Medical Center Public Affairs | 05.22.2024
Medical Readiness Command, West held its Best Leader, Best Squad competition May 13-17. This year, MRC, W teamed up with the Medical Center of Excellence to hold the first consolidated competition where the competitors could also earn their Expert Field Medical Badge and the German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge....
Story by Maj. Nadine Wiley De Moura | U.S. Army South | 05.16.2024
FORT SAM HOUSTON, Texas – May is Mental Health Awareness Month, a time dedicated to shedding light on mental health issues, reducing stigma, and promoting the resources available for those in need. For many, mental health is an invisible battle, one that requires understanding, support, and proper care. This month is particularly significant for military communities, where mental health......
Story by Lori Newman | Brooke Army Medical Center Public Affairs | 04.11.2024
Brooke Army Medical Center Volunteer Appreciation Week culminated with a ceremony April 5 to honor the individuals who donate their time to serve others....