OMA / REM KOOLHAAS(347 articles)
OMA is an international practice operating within the traditional boundaries of architecture and urbanism. the firm is led by nine partners – rem koolhaas, ellen van loon, reinier de graaf, shohei shigematsu, iyad alsaka, david gianotten, chris van duijn, ippolito pestellini laparelli, jason long – and maintains offices in rotterdam, new york, beijing, hong kong, doha, dubai, and perth. OMA-designed buildings currently under construction include taipei performing arts centre, the renovation of kaufhaus des westens (KaDeWe) in berlin, qatar national library, qatar foundation headquarters, bryghusprojektet in copenhagen, fondation d'entreprise galeries lafayette in paris, and prince plaza in shenzhen. running parallel to the practice, AMO, a research and design studio, applies architectural thinking to 'domains beyond'.