The processing of measurement data from satelliteconstellations such as Global Navigation Satellite Systems(GNSS), including the well-known Global PositioningSystem (GPS), have been successfully applied to virtuallyall areas of geophysical sciences. In this work, amethod is described where Geographical Information Systems(GIS) are employed to build hourly ionospheric TotalElectron Content (TEC) maps for 2011 over the southernIberian Peninsula. The maps used GPS-derived geometryfreelinear combinations attained from station data fromthe Algarve, Alentejo (Portugal), Andalusia, Murcia andValencia (Spain) regions. Following the construction ofthe ionospheric maps, it was possible to relate these resultsto natural phenomena. The observed phenomena includeddiurnal and seasonal variations: daytime TEC maxima,nighttime TEC peaks, summer TEC value decreases,and spring and fall TEC maxima. After validation of theseperiodic phenomena, detection of non-periodic changes,such as solar flares and tectonic interactions with the ionospherewere attempted. The results showed a TEC increasefollowing a selected solar flare event and a potential TECbuild-up prior to the 2011 Lorca earthquake. Further studiescould open up the possibility of building early warningsystems. The presented methods, based on available softwarepackages, are also of value in monitoring the effect ofthe ionosphere on radio signals, satellite and mobile communication,power grids, and for accurate GNSS navigation.
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