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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 22, 2023

Pass-efficient randomized LU algorithms for computing low-rank matrix approximation

  • Bolong Zhang and Michael Mascagni EMAIL logo


Low-rank matrix approximation is extremely useful in the analysis of data that arises in scientific computing, engineering applications, and data science. However, as data sizes grow, traditional low-rank matrix approximation methods, such as singular value decomposition (SVD) and column pivoting QR decomposition (CPQR), are either prohibitively expensive or cannot provide sufficiently accurate results. A solution is to use randomized low-rank matrix approximation methods such as randomized SVD, and randomized LU decomposition on extremely large data sets. In this paper, we focus on the randomized LU decomposition method. Then we propose a novel randomized LU algorithm, called SubspaceLU, for the fixed low-rank approximation problem. SubspaceLU is based on the sketch of the co-range of input matrices and allows for an arbitrary number of passes of the input matrix, v 2 . Numerical experiments on CPU show that our proposed SubspaceLU is generally faster than the existing randomized LU decomposition, while remaining accurate. Experiments on GPU shows that our proposed SubspaceLU can gain more speedup than the existing randomized LU decomposition. We also propose a version of SubspaceLU, called SubspaceLU_FP, for the fixed precision low-rank matrix approximation problem. SubspaceLU_FP is a post-processing step based on an efficient blocked adaptive rank determination Algorithm 5 proposed in this paper. We present numerical experiments that show that SubspaceLU_FP can achieve close results to SVD but faster in speed. We finally propose a single-pass algorithm based on LU factorization. Tests show that the accuracy of our single-pass algorithm is comparable with the existing single-pass algorithms.

MSC 2020: 65F99; 65C99

A Linear algebra basics

We briefly review the definitions and properties of the orthogonal projection and the pseudoinverse [10].

Orthogonal projection

An orthogonal projection is a linear transformation from a vector space to itself. For a matrix 𝐀 m × n , we use Range ( 𝐀 ) to denote the space spanned by the columns of 𝐀 . Suppose 𝐀 has full column rank. Then we denote the orthogonal projection of Range ( 𝐀 ) as 𝐏 𝐀 , which is defined as follows:

𝐏 𝐀 = 𝐀 ( 𝐀 T 𝐀 ) - 1 𝐀 T .

It is easy to prove the following proprieties for 𝐏 𝐀 :

  1. 𝐏 𝐀 2 = 𝐏 𝐀 ,

  2. Range ( 𝐀 ) = Range ( 𝐏 𝐀 ) ,

  3. 𝐏 𝐀 = 𝐀𝐀 T , if 𝐀 has orthonormal columns.


In linear algebra, the pseudoinverse of a matrix 𝐀 m × n is the generalization of the inverse for non-square matrices. It is customary to denote the pseudoinverse of 𝐀 m × n with a dagger, 𝐀 . If m n and 𝐀 m × n has full column rank, then the pseudoinverse of 𝐀 m × n can be computed as

(A.1) 𝐀 = ( 𝐀 T 𝐀 ) - 1 𝐀 T ,

where 𝐀 n × m . 𝐀 n × m has the following properties:

  1. ( 𝐀 ) T = ( 𝐀 T ) .

  2. If 𝐀 m × n has full column rank, then 𝐏 A = 𝐀𝐀 is an orthogonal projection.

B SVD for low-rank approximation problem

Suppose the SVD decomposition for matrix 𝐀 m × n , m n is the following:

(B.1) 𝐀 = 𝐔 𝚺 𝐕 T ,

where 𝐔 m × n has orthonormal columns, 𝐕 n × n is an orthogonal matrix, and 𝚺 n × n is a diagonal matrix whose diagonal entries are the singular values of 𝐀 in descending order. Then the optimal solution to the fixed rank problem (1.1) for a given rank k is 𝐀 k = 𝐁𝐂 , where we set 𝐁 = 𝐔 ( : , 1 : k ) 𝚺 ( 1 : k , 1 : k ) and 𝐂 = 𝐕 ( : , 1 : k ) T .[3] This gives us the explicit matrix norms of our rank k approximation errors as

𝐀 - 𝐀 k 2 = σ k + 1 and 𝐀 - 𝐀 k F = i = k + 1 n σ i 2 .

C Randomized SVD Algorithm

Formally, for a given matrix 𝐀 m × n , we multiply it with a random Gaussian matrix 𝛀 n × l , where l = k + q , k is the target rank and q is the oversampling parameter. Then 𝐘 = 𝐀 𝛀 will capture the most action approximately (i.e., capture the space spanned by the first l singular vector approximately) of 𝐀 and more importantly the dimension of the space spanned by the columns of 𝐘 is much smaller than the column space of 𝐀 . Suppose 𝐐 m × l is an orthonormal basis for the column space of 𝐘 . Then we have the following random QB low-rank approximation

𝐀 𝐐𝐐 T 𝐀 = 𝐐𝐁 .

Here 𝐁 = 𝐐 T 𝐀 l × n , which is a smaller matrix than 𝐀 on which we could perform some standard factorization such as the SVD.

For a matrix whose singular values decay slowly, the above procedure may not provide good results. However, the power iteration ( 𝐀𝐀 T ) p 𝐀 can be applied to solve this problem, where p is the exponent of the power iteration. Suppose 𝐀 has the SVD decomposition (B.1). Then

(C.1) ( 𝐀𝐀 T ) p 𝐀 = 𝐔 𝚺 2 p + 1 𝐕 T .

Equation (C.1) implies that the singular values of the matrix ( 𝐀𝐀 T ) p 𝐀 decay faster than those of 𝐀 . However, both of them have the same left and right singular vectors. A basic randomized SVD algorithm (RandSVD) with subspace iteration is shown here as Algorithm 9 (see [13]). In practice, to remove the rounding errors introduced by (C.1), we use Algorithm 10 in practice to compute it [13, 36]. An optimized version of reorthogonalization was proposed in [17], where the authors used LU factorization to replace QR every time except the last iteration. As we cans see that for the RandSVD Algorithm 9, we need to access the matrix an even number times. In some cases, the input matrix is enormous, and accessing the matrix is very expensive. Randomized SVD algorithms that minimize accesses of the matrix have been proposed in [1], where the authors evaluated the co-range sketch of ( 𝐀 T A ) p 𝛀 for p 1 .

The idea for the generalized subspace iteration is very simple. Let p = v - 1 2 when v is odd in Algorithm 9. We modify steps 1–3 of Algorithm 9 when v 2 is even as follows:

  1. Generate a random Gaussian matrix 𝛀 n × l .

  2. Compute ( 𝐀𝐀 T ) p 𝐀 𝛀 and its orthonormal basis 𝐕 ;

Combine above discussion, we introduce the generalized subspace iteration here as Algorithm 11.

Algorithm 9 (A Basic Randomized SVD Algorithm.).

Algorithm 10 (Power Iteration Reorthogonalization for Algorithm 9.).

Algorithm 11 (Generalized Subspace Iteration for Algorithm 9.).


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Received: 2023-05-25
Revised: 2023-07-27
Accepted: 2023-08-02
Published Online: 2023-08-22
Published in Print: 2023-09-01

© 2023 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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