LOCUS XM_019883616 1080 bp mRNA linear VRT 10-JAN-2017
DEFINITION PREDICTED: Hippocampus comes probable phosphatase phospho1
(LOC109524043), transcript variant X2, mRNA.
ACCESSION XM_019883616
VERSION XM_019883616.1
DBLINK BioProject: PRJNA359802
SOURCE Hippocampus comes (tiger tail seahorse)
ORGANISM Hippocampus comes
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Chordata; Craniata; Vertebrata; Euteleostomi;
Actinopterygii; Neopterygii; Teleostei; Neoteleostei;
Acanthomorphata; Syngnathiaria; Syngnathiformes; Syngnathoidei;
Syngnathidae; Hippocampus.
COMMENT MODEL REFSEQ: This record is predicted by automated computational
analysis. This record is derived from a genomic sequence
(NW_017805741.1) annotated using gene prediction method: Gnomon.
Also see:
Documentation of NCBI's Annotation Process
Annotation Provider :: NCBI
Annotation Status :: Full annotation
Annotation Version :: Hippocampus comes Annotation Release
Annotation Pipeline :: NCBI eukaryotic genome annotation
Annotation Software Version :: 7.2
Annotation Method :: Best-placed RefSeq; Gnomon
Features Annotated :: Gene; mRNA; CDS; ncRNA
FEATURES Location/Qualifiers
source 1..1080
/organism="Hippocampus comes"
gene 1..1080
/note="Derived by automated computational analysis using
gene prediction method: Gnomon. Supporting evidence
includes similarity to: 11 Proteins, and 100% coverage of
the annotated genomic feature by RNAseq alignments,
including 7 samples with support for all annotated
CDS 108..848
/product="probable phosphatase phospho1"
misc_feature 132..824
/note="The haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily
includes carbon and phosphorus hydrolases such as
2-haloalkonoate dehalogenase, epoxide hydrolase,
phosphoserine phosphatase, phosphomannomutase,
phosphoglycolate phosphatase, P-type ATPase, among others.
These...; Region: Haloacid Dehalogenase-like Hydrolases;
1 ccatcctgga tgtggccgag tggagcgctg gactgcctca ttcataaaat aaccgttttt
61 tcacaaaacc atgttatctt tcacagtgag ccgaaggagg accgaagatg agcgcgcagc
121 ctcaaccgcg tttcctggtc ctgttcgact ttgacgagac cctcgtgaac gagaacagcg
181 acgacgccgt gttgcaggct ctgccgggcc agcagctccc cgactggttg aagagcggct
241 accgcgaggg ccactacaac gagcacatgc agcagattct ggcctacatg gccgagcggg
301 gcgtgtcgcg cgacgccatc cgctcggccg tggagagcat cccgccggcg cccggcgccc
361 tcgccctgct gcacttcctc cagggccacc agcgcgactt tgagctggcg gtggtctcgg
421 acgccaacat gtacttcatc gacacctggc tcaagtgcgc gggggtgcgc cacctcttcc
481 ggaagatctt caccaacccg gccagcttcg acgccggcgg ccggctggtg ctgctcccgt
541 tccacgccca ctcgtgtccc cgttgccccg acaacatgtg caagcaggtc attctgaggg
601 agtacctggc cctgaggcaa aaagagcgcg gcgcgccctt ccagcaggtg ttttacgtcg
661 gagacggcgc caacgacatg tgcccctcgc tggccctggg gccccgtgac acggtcttcc
721 cgaggaagga cttcccgatg cacgcgctgc tgaagtccga gggcgccaaa ttcaaggcca
781 acgtggttcc ctggaccagc ggccaagatg tcatgaactg tctcgagaaa atcgcggagg
841 agagatgatc gcggacgtgg cggcaaaaga accacgacaa aggtgctgta atcgtatgca
901 gtaaatcgga gagaaatctc cctagtgttt ggaaaacaaa aaacaacaag ctgtgtcgaa
961 acaagaacaa gtgttatgta cggaagcaga tatgccaact gagtttgaat tttacctctc
1021 gtggcaaaat caagcattga attttagaaa gcatcaaaat gtttttataa aaaaaaaaaa