Entry |
Org code |
Name |
Magallana gigas (Pacific oyster) (Crassostrea gigas) |
Annotation |
yes |
Taxonomy |
Lineage |
Eukaryota; Metazoa; Spiralia; Lophotrochozoa; Mollusca; Bivalvia; Autobranchia; Pteriomorphia; Ostreida; Ostreoidea; Ostreidae; Magallana |
Brite |
KEGG organisms [BR:br08601]
KEGG organisms in the NCBI taxonomy [BR:br08610]
KEGG organisms in taxonomic ranks [BR:br08611]
KEGG organisms: animals [BR:br08612]
Data source |
Statistics |
Number of protein genes: 26085
Number of RNA genes: 329
Created |
Reference |
Authors |
Mrowicki R, Uhl R |
Title |
The genome sequence of the Pacific oyster, Magallana gigas (Thunberg, 1793). |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Penaloza C, Gutierrez AP, Eory L, Wang S, Guo X, Archibald AL, Bean TP, Houston RD |
Title |
A chromosome-level genome assembly for the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Zhang G, Fang X, Guo X, Li L, Luo R, Xu F, Yang P, Zhang L, Wang X, Qi H, et al. |
Title |
The oyster genome reveals stress adaptation and complexity of shell formation. |
Journal |