LinkDB: 42142
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CC: CCSD:42142 AU: Rahmann H TI: Brain gangliosides and memory formation CT: Behav Brain Res (1995) 66: 105-116 [PMID:7755881] BS: (CN) chicken, (OT) brain BS: (CN) human, (OT) brain BS: (CN) rat, (OT) brain TN: GD2 MT: ganglioside MT: glycolipid MT: glycosphingolipid SB: Westra B DA: 19-10-1995 FC: 3afdc289 SI: CBank:19218 ---------------- structure: b-D-GalpNAc-(1-4)+ | b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-Glcp-(1-1)-Ceramide | a-D-Neup5Ac-(2-8)-a-D-Neup5Ac-(2-3)+ ================end of record