| | NETWORK: N01835 | |
Entry |
Name |
SEMA3-CRMP2/MAPT axon guidance signaling
Definition |
Expanded |
10371 -> 5361+8829 -> 2534,2242,2241 -> (1020+8851) -> 1400,1808,4137 == ((7846,10376,84790,7278,113457,112714,7277,51807)+(203068,81027,7280,347733,10381,10382,10383,84617,347688)) |
Class |
Type |
Gene |
10371 | SEMA3A; semaphorin 3A |
2534 | FYN; FYN proto-oncogene, Src family tyrosine kinase |
2242 | FES; FES proto-oncogene, tyrosine kinase |
2241 | FER; FER tyrosine kinase |
1020 | CDK5; cyclin dependent kinase 5 |
8851 | CDK5R1; cyclin dependent kinase 5 regulatory subunit 1 |
1400 | CRMP1; collapsin response mediator protein 1 |
1808 | DPYSL2; dihydropyrimidinase like 2 |
4137 | MAPT; microtubule associated protein tau |
7846 | TUBA1A; tubulin alpha 1a |
10376 | TUBA1B; tubulin alpha 1b |
84790 | TUBA1C; tubulin alpha 1c |
7278 | TUBA3C; tubulin alpha 3c |
113457 | TUBA3D; tubulin alpha 3d |
112714 | TUBA3E; tubulin alpha 3e |
7277 | TUBA4A; tubulin alpha 4a |
51807 | TUBA8; tubulin alpha 8 |
203068 | TUBB; tubulin beta class I |
81027 | TUBB1; tubulin beta 1 class VI |
7280 | TUBB2A; tubulin beta 2A class IIa |
347733 | TUBB2B; tubulin beta 2B class IIb |
10381 | TUBB3; tubulin beta 3 class III |
10382 | TUBB4A; tubulin beta 4A class IVa |
10383 | TUBB4B; tubulin beta 4B class IVb |
84617 | TUBB6; tubulin beta 6 class V |
347688 | TUBB8; tubulin beta 8 class VIII |
Reference |
Authors |
Neufeld G, Kessler O |
Title |
The semaphorins: versatile regulators of tumour progression and tumour angiogenesis. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Sanchez-Huertas C, Herrera E |
Title |
With the Permission of Microtubules: An Updated Overview on Microtubule Function During Axon Pathfinding. |
Journal |
Reference |
Authors |
Sasaki Y, Cheng C, Uchida Y, Nakajima O, Ohshima T, Yagi T, Taniguchi M, Nakayama T, Kishida R, Kudo Y, Ohno S, Nakamura F, Goshima Y |
Title |
Fyn and Cdk5 mediate semaphorin-3A signaling, which is involved in regulation of dendrite orientation in cerebral cortex. |
Journal |