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The Centhini Story: The Javanese Journey of Life

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The Centhini Story takes the reader on an unforgettable tour of the magical island of Java and gives an incredible insight into the traditions and customs of the Javanese. In this first-ever English translation of the 19th-century epic Serat Centhini , the author has stayed true to the essence of the original work, making a much-loved but almost forgotten literary heritage accessible once again.

The Centhini Story tells the tale of two princes and a princess who fled their palace in Giri kingdom when it was attacked by Sultan Agung of Mataram kingdom in 1635. In the confusion, Prince Jayengresmi is separated from his younger siblings and embarks on a quest to find them. Seeking to be reunited with each other, they travel across the length and breadth of the island of Java. It is a quest that spans more than a decade. At every stage of their journey, the people they encounter¡Xwhether a wise recluse on a mountain peak or a learned guru of a pesantren (Islamic school)¡Xintroduce ideas that give a lively insight into the Javanese way of life and their beliefs. By the time the three siblings finally meet, each of them¡Xas well as the people they have forged close relationships with¡Xhas overcome trials and tribulations and developed emotionally and spiritually. For them, it is not only a journey over hill and vale but a journey of life.

400 pages, Hardcover

First published September 1, 2006

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About the author

Soewito Santoso

12 books1 follower

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews
Profile Image for Denmas Hendi.
2 reviews1 follower
September 3, 2012
belum pernah baca, tp pernah ketemu fotograper buku ini (pa fendi) beliau mengisahkan perjalanan beliau dlm memotret untuk buku ini. centhini adalah ensiklopedia mengenai budaya, pengetahuan dll berdskan tokoh rekaan yg bernama syeh amongraga..pa fendi menyusuri kembali pengembaraan syeh amongraga, walau pun beberapa tempat dlm kitab centhini namanya tdk terdaptar dlm peta..bener bener sebuah pengalaman dan kerja yg mengagumkan serta membuat iri
Profile Image for Bastian Hidayat.
83 reviews
August 26, 2016
Menemukan buku ini di sebuah lapak buku bekas di sudut Kuala Lumpur. Masih baru, plastikan, seharga tiga gelas teh tarik. Huaaaa. Saya suka sekali pemilihan katanya, memberikan kesan 'tinggi' dan berkelas. Foto-fotonya, beberapa ada di sekitar kampung halaman saya, juga sangat memanjakan mata.
Profile Image for Mika .
2 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2009
Hmm...this books prohibited for those who still under 17. it's describe about a tough Javanese women to undergo her life among life, religion and passion.
Profile Image for Aradweb Aradweb Adil.
76 reviews1 follower
August 19, 2010
The blend of religious and cultural was written perfectly as to give a reader an in-depth view on how nusantara was before.
Displaying 1 - 5 of 5 reviews

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