I'm not a zoologist, but since you live in the UK, read this link:
I'm not a zoologist, but since you live in the UK, read this link:
I know the difference between a tarantula and a daddy longlegs.
After that I don't know one spider from another.
Ere on the side of caution and kill it If u can.
Houseflies have a proboscis to suck food, and hence don't bite. ( I hate the flies that bite. )
We weren't allowed to have pets at college. I used to catch flies, leash them with a strand of hair, and take them for walks around the dormitory. I'd tack the leash to my bulletin board … Read morePretty much any they can get their beaks on: earthworms, beetles, ants, spiders, caterpillars/larvae, etc. They're omnivorous, so they like seeds, berries and nuts too.
Ok ... 20 thousand
And u find one
Brilliant. deduction
If it looks like this, it's a Red-backed jumping spider.
I had a slightly more than passing interest in zoology when I was younger, so I don't find them repulsive per se. But I studiously avoid yellow jackets, and those cicada killers are just plain scary.
The common name “June bug” is frowned upon, since “bug,” in its technical sense, refers to a completely … Read more
Mosquitoes and brown recluse spiders.
Mud Wasps/Yellowjackets.
Violent little jerks, that will HUNT YOU DOWN and sting repeatedly.
Mine are black widows and.... I only seen it alive one time, all the other times they were dead thank God! Millipedes! Oh yuck yuck yuck yuck!!!! ((((((((((( yin has a chill down her back! )))))))))))
Stink bugs, don't step on them.
The name derived from it's scientific name, Mantis religiosa and it looks like it's praying.
Honestly I haven't. I might of as a kid or something, but if so I don't remember it.
"really hard"? It's more so impossible.
Yellow jackets are described as bee-similar creatures that are actually wasps with yellow and black stripes on the body.
They are a phobia not only for babies but also for adults.
However, if the condition on your babies is still mild, you can easily treat it at home by using some natural, inexpensive but effective ingredients.
See … Read more
It isn't they can' find their way out. They don't want to go out. Where is the fun for them in that?
Hmmm..... You say flies get in but then they don't want to go out.....? Odd.....? In the Yin and Yang household when Yin is cooking the flies are RACING each other to get out!!!!!! Lol! 💨