The View From Your Seat is a series that we have been running here at Talking Chop for several years. The idea is simple: send us your photos from whatever Braves game you are attending -- Major League or minor league, any ballpark, as long as the Braves are playing -- and we'll post them on the site.
Don't try to get too fancy, just take a picture once the game starts at any point during the game and email me. It can be a view of the field, the scoreboard, the stands, or whatever strikes your fancy while sitting in your seat at a ballgame.
Make sure you include the when and where the picture was taken and what half of the inning it was taken in. By sending your photos, you grant Talking Chop full rights to publish and edit them as we see fit. The email address to send these photos to is martingandy at gmail dot com. You can also send them via Twitter to @gondeee. Every photo will be considered, but not all will be used.
Click here to view the Story Stream for all Views throughout the 2013 season.