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0:48Honest review of this flower costume on 5 foot 3 woman
0:48Cute flower costume! See my review
0:47Honest review of this bumblebee costume
0:52See this skirt as a bumble bee costume!
0:50Super cute costume idea -see how it looks
0:49Honest review of the Berkeley system
0:38See how my Samoyed puppy uses this toy
0:39See how this life vest fits my corgi
0:35Honest review of this flower vase
1:18Honest review of long sleeve dog pajamas
1:38Adorable dog pajamas! See them in my Samoyed puppy
0:46The bread bible! Here is my honest review
0:49Love this book for camping!
1:08Honest review of this cookbook and see inside
1:00My favorite cookbook! Find out so many great recipes
1:05Great book for athletes. See the exercise guides!
0:54Amazing cookbook with lots of great tips and recipes!
0:49Great book for climbers and mountaineers!
0:38Super cute fall garland! Highly recommend for autumn
1:19Had this TV for a year and highly recommend! See in action
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