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Wiki Way―コラボレーションツールWiki 単行本 – 2002/9/1
- 本の長さ453ページ
- 言語日本語
- 出版社ソフトバンククリエイティブ
- 発売日2002/9/1
- ISBN-104797318325
- ISBN-13978-4797318326
- 出版社 : ソフトバンククリエイティブ (2002/9/1)
- 発売日 : 2002/9/1
- 言語 : 日本語
- 単行本 : 453ページ
- ISBN-10 : 4797318325
- ISBN-13 : 978-4797318326
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 938,042位本 (本の売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- カスタマーレビュー:
雑文書き、翻訳者。1973年生まれ。著書に『もうすぐ絶滅するという開かれたウェブについて 続・情報共有の未来』、『情報共有の未来』、訳書に『デジタル音楽の行方』、『Wiki Way』、『ウェブログ・ハンドブック』がある。
上位レビュー、対象国: 日本
- 2005年10月8日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入技術的な部分はもうかなり時間がたっているので、実情に合わなくなっている部分もあるが、Wikiの導入方法や、大学・職場などで導入してみてどうなったかなど、成功事例のみではなく失敗した際の要因についての考察もあり、参考になるところが多い。
- 2003年4月19日に日本でレビュー済みAmazonで購入Wikiを語る上でこの本を外すわけにはいかない、というか、今んところこのWikiの本といえばこれしか見当たらない。だから今はこの本を読むしかないのではあるが、今後もこの本だけでよいんじゃないかと思うくらい、Wikiに関するほとんどが網羅されている。Wikiについて知りたいなら、まずコレ。読むべし。
Maxim Masiutin2021年6月25日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち4.0 The great historical book
Amazonで購入This is the first major book on the use of wikis. Ward Cunningham is the inventor of the Wiki, he created WikiWikiWeb, which is the first wiki website software. This book is about how to install/customize/manage a wiki system and then an opinion on the nature of wiki-style online communication. The online encyclopedia project Wikipedia is the most popular wiki-based website.
Ward Cunningham, the developer of the first wiki software WikiWikiWeb and the author of this book, initially described Wiki as the simplest online database that could work.
"Wiki" is a kind of hypertext publication, which is edited and managed by its audience directly using a web browser. A typical wiki contains multiple pages specific to the subject or scope of the project. It can be open to the public, or it can be used only within the organization to maintain its internal knowledge base. "Wiki" is Hawaiian, which means "quick".
The author describes the essence of the Wiki concept in this book. In short, the wiki concept can be expressed as follows. Wiki invites all users (not just experts) to edit any page or create a new page in the wiki site, using only standard web browsers without any add-ons. Wiki promotes meaningful thematic associations between different pages by intuitively and easily creating page links and displaying whether the expected target page exists. Wiki is not a site carefully crafted by experts and professional writers and designed for casual visitors. Instead, it tries to involve typical visitors/users in the creation and collaboration that constantly changes the landscape of the webiste in an ongoing process. This is the concept presented by the authors of the book.
Since Ward Cunningham was a pioneer of the wiki concept, this book is worth reading from a historical perspective. For example, you will see Ward Cunningham started developing WikiWikiWeb in Portland, Oregon, in 1994, and installed it on the Internet domain on March 25, 1995. It was named by Cunningham, who remembers the Honolulu International Airport counter staff telling him to take the "Wiki Wiki Shuttle" bus that runs between the airport terminals. According to Cunningham, "I chose wiki-wiki as an alternative to "quick" alliteration to avoid naming this thing quick-web." Therefore, if you are interested in history, please read this book. This book may also be interesting for system administrators and managers who are willing to embrace the spirit of Wiki.
Steve Sowder2007年5月24日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち2.0 Flawed book for administrators
Amazonで購入This is book is definitely intended for administrators. Witness about the 30 pages on how to use a wiki. How to install: 36 pages. Structuring the content, hacking the code and understanding what you find: 140 pages. Administration tools: 55 pages. There are some examples of wiki use in education and business. The included CD has mangled code. Even after writing a perl program to convert, it looked like it was at least trying to work but wasn't.
B. Arnold2007年4月26日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち3.0 Not what I had hoped for
Amazonで購入I was hoping for a lot of examples, hints, and tricks on how to create and format a wiki. While the book gave some hints on formatting, this book is more for someone who is administering a wiki site and not a regular user. If you just want tips and techniques on creating a personal or work wiki article, you can get more help from the wikipedia on the internet and you'll save some money too.
5つ星のうち4.0 Not worth the price or the informational value for project work, but well-written and generally interesting
Amazonで購入I originally purchased this book to help with a project I was doing for the IEEE 60th Anniversary Website Competition. Our website was (logically) Wiki-based, so I had hoped this book could provide some fundamentals for Wiki-website design and implementation.
I think I unfortunately mis-understood or was mis-lead by some of the reviews and descriptions about this book. This book is not about design and implementation but more about the history and anecdotal usefulness a Wiki can bring to an organization/the world at large and additionally some very generic wiki web-programming examples.
If you're looking for something to "really" help you with a project from a design or implementation standpoint, please look elsewhere.
I give this product 4-stars because the way it is written and the majority of information included is pretty well-done, and would be useful if one were to only be interested in the history of Wikis...but I don't know who would possibly buy this book being interested in solely the HISTORY of Wikis rather than using them for practical purposes or functionality. You could get this (or similar) books at a library, or simply look the information up a WIKI!
I'd give it 3.x stars if I could - just wanted to be clear on the reasoning behind the rating so that hopefully this synopsis/review will be helpful to others.