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Contextual Design: Defining Customer-Centered Systems (Interactive Technologies) ペーパーバック – 1997/9/15
Contextual Design enables you to
+ gather detailed data about how people work and use systems
+ develop a coherent picture of a whole customer population
+ generate systems designs from a knowledge of customer work
+ diagram a set of existing systems, showing their relationships, inconsistencies, redundancies, and omissions
- 本の長さ496ページ
- 言語英語
- 出版社Morgan Kaufmann
- 発売日1997/9/15
- 寸法19.05 x 2.54 x 24.13 cm
- ISBN-101558604111
- ISBN-13978-1558604117
『Contextual Design』は、ふだん人々が仕事上でコンピュータシステムをどう利用しているかについて詳細なデータを集め、そこから浮かび上がってくる顧客層の全体像をつかみ、顧客の仕事内容に関する知識をもとにシステムデザインを生み出し、さらに一連の既存システムを図表化してその関連性、矛盾点、冗長部分、欠落部分を具体的に表す能力を授けてくれる1冊である。
"Hugh Beyer and Karen Holtzblatt are widely recognized as the foremost experts on contextual inquiry, and they have packed what they know into a book of both substance and intelligence. It has been a long wait but worth it. The book lucidly shows how to capture the real requirements of customers and how to tailor designs to fit their needs. If you care about your customers and want to create products they as well as want, then you need to understand contextual inquiry and contextual design. You need this book." --Larry Constantine, Principal Consultant, Constantine & Locwood, Ltd.; Professor of Computing Sciences, University of Technology, Sydney (Australia); Author of Constantine on Peopleware and Software for User
"For many years, Beyer and Holtzblatt have been pioneers in the field of human-computer interaction, showing how the context of computer use can be (and needs to be) the central focus of analysis and design. This book conveys the understanding and wisdom that they have gained from their experience in contextual design in a form that is accessible to students and design practitioners. It will serve as a guide and handbook for the next generation of interaction designers, and as a result we can expect the usability and appropriateness of computer systems to be greatly improved." --Terry Winograd, Stanford University
Hugh Beyer is a co-founder of InContext Enterprises, Inc., a firm that works with companies, coaching teams to design products, product strategies, and information systems from customer data. Hugh Beyer has pioneered the link between the customer-centered front end and object-oriented design.
Karen Holtzblatt is a co-founder of InContext Enterprises, Inc., a firm that works with companies, coaching teams to design products, product strategies, and information systems from customer data. Karen Holtzblatt developed the Contextual Inquiry field data gathering technique that forms the core of Contextual Design and is now taught and used world-wide.
- 出版社 : Morgan Kaufmann; 第1版 (1997/9/15)
- 発売日 : 1997/9/15
- 言語 : 英語
- ペーパーバック : 496ページ
- ISBN-10 : 1558604111
- ISBN-13 : 978-1558604117
- 寸法 : 19.05 x 2.54 x 24.13 cm
- Amazon 売れ筋ランキング: - 266,743位洋書 (洋書の売れ筋ランキングを見る)
- カスタマーレビュー:
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars
Amazonで購入Exactly What I wanted
Dr Pedro Fonseca2014年8月20日に英国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Life-changing!
Amazonで購入This book changed my life. It showed me the power of creating software, more specifically, how you can change the world if you really understand the context in which your creation will be used. The more you understand the context, the more you can change it by revolutionizing it with a new way of doing things.
Perry Hartman2013年2月19日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Book was required
Amazonで購入I got the book because it was required for a class that I am taking. It arrived on time and was in good condition.
Dr.-Ing. Gunter Dubrau2001年5月2日にドイツでレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Sehr lesenswert
Amazonで購入Dieses Buch ist sehr lesenswert. Es gibt derzeit leider keine deutsche Übersetzung, aber auch im Englischen nicht so sichere Entwickler und Projekt-Manager mit einem Faible für Usability und Ergonomie sollten dieses Buch kennen.
Clement S.2017年2月15日にアメリカ合衆国でレビュー済み
5つ星のうち5.0 Five Stars
Amazonで購入Great book! A must read!