Make this page free for everybody Jan Tatarkiewicz ~1882–1936Key characteristic of the person (tags found in obituaries): “Nekrologia Minakowskiej” is a biographic encyclopedia About 1,050,000 newspaper pages checked*, User manual in plain Polish: what Nekrologia Minakowskiej is all about, what is it for and how it was being built *) Whole collections of titles: “Kurier Warszawski” 1845-1939 (distinct obituaries appear since February 1845 only, earlier times are covered in paper Sieć społeczna wokół Kuriera Warszawskiego na podstawie jego nekrologów z lat 1821–1861, PDP 39/2017), “Dziennik Poznański” 1859–1939 (whole), “Czas” [krakowski] 1848–1939 (whole), “Słowo” [wileńskie] 1922–1939 (whole), “Ilustowany Kurier Codzienny” [Kraków] 1910–1939 (whole), “Dziennik Kijowski” 1906–1918 (ostatnie lata z lukami). Other titles can be added in the future if additional funds are found. |