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Professor Dum Dum, scientist of music, performs experiments in music and human behaviour. Living, breathing volunteers subject themselves to his verbal vivisection, helping all to understand what laymen call "absurdity." (Visit homepage.)
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December 6, 2011
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Artist | Track | Album | Label | Approx. start time |
Darkwell | Suspiria | Suspiria | Napalm Records | 0:00:00 (Pop-up) |
Nevermore | Forever | Dreaming Neon Black | Century Media | 0:04:34 (Pop-up) |
Thy Catafalque | Oszi Vardzslak | Raka Hasa Radio | Epidemic Records | 0:06:57 (Pop-up) |
After Forever | Forlorn Hope | Monolith of Doubt | Transmission | 0:11:28 (Pop-up) |
Mercyful Fate | Gypsy | Don't Break the Oath | Roadrunner Records | 0:17:45 (Pop-up) |
Gloomy Grim | Black Funeral | Grim Fate | self-released | 0:27:08 (Pop-up) |
Pan-Thy-Monium | Thee-Pherenth | Khaooos | Relapse | 0:32:11 (Pop-up) |
Atheist | Faun King Christ | Jupiter | Season of Mist | 0:35:49 (Pop-up) |
Arkona | Nikigoa | Slovo | Napalm Records | 0:39:10 (Pop-up) |
Cemetary | Where the Rivers of Madness Stream | Evil Shade of Gray | Black Mark Records | 1:03:22 (Pop-up) |
Spooky Ruben | Crystal Cradle | Mode of Transportation | TVT Records | 1:07:50 (Pop-up) |
Obituary | Godly Beings | Slowly We Rost | Roadrunner Records | 1:11:25 (Pop-up) |
Korova | Der Schlafmann Kommt | Dead Like An Angel | Napalm Records | 1:13:15 (Pop-up) |
Theatre of Tragedy | Der Spi | A Rose for the Dead | Swanlake | 1:21:57 (Pop-up) |
Angizia | Ich | Kokon | Schachtelstuck | 1:27:09 (Pop-up) |
Mercyful Fate | Devil's Eyes | The Beginning | Roadrunner Records | 1:32:17 (Pop-up) |
Funeral | Track 2 | 1997 demo | self | 1:53:21 (Pop-up) |
Shape of Despair | Quiet These Paintings Are | Angels in Distress | Spikefarm Records | 2:04:26 (Pop-up) |
Die Verbannten Kinder Evas | From Silent Night | In Darkness Let Me Dwell | Napalm Records | 2:18:41 (Pop-up) |
Coph Nia | Opus 77 | That Which Remains | Cold Meat Industry | 2:37:38 (Pop-up) |
Ahab | Redemption Lost | The Divinity of Oceans | Napalm Records | 2:42:37 (Pop-up) |
Elend | Du Trefonds Des Tenebres | Umbersun | Orphika | 2:49:56 (Pop-up) |
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Listener comments!
zach in philly:
In Fields of pestilent Grief:
Red Water:
King Dean:
it's time to decorate the pagan tree
with decorations he's very fickle
he's no longer impressed with the german pickle
luckily he's caught a thief
the baby jesus who's caused him grief
the child tried to steal his day
detracting from santa with his mangers and hay
keeping with the tradition of the norse
he dragged jesus to death with his six legged horse
body parts were strewn through the snow
then stuffed with lights for the holiday glow
intestines like tinsel around the tree
and baby jesus's head would be the key
it was placed atop like the well known star
but this time no wisemen would come from afar
santa regained what was rightfully his
we know what the true meaning of christmas is
Baby Jesus couldnt swallow
In a sandpit he couldnt leave
For his carcass we couldnt greave
Because the quicksand mummified him
The sand might have petrified him
And now this ends because im lazy
I blame it all on Patrick Swayze
But it is not without a happy angle
Because the baby Jesus props up the star at a perfect angle.
King Dean: