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Дата | Вход | Комментарий | V | Статус |
11.10.2023 | 231296 | Python script to check if a service is vulnerable: https://github.com/BishopFox/CVE-2023-27997-check | 0 | принято |
30.06.2021 | 176473 | There is another proof of concept based on impacked: https://github.com/cube0x0/CVE-2021-1675 | 2 | принято |
12.03.2021 | 170592 | There are 2 different exploits at the moment, one written in python and another in go. The exploit code of Jang was removed by GitHub, and was later made available on Web Archive and GitLab. Here are two links to the exploit code: https://git.blackmarble.s… | 0 | принято |
09.03.2021 | 170592 | Nmap script from Microsoft to detect if an Exchange Server is vulnerable: https://github.com/microsoft/CSS-Exchange/blob/main/Security/http-vuln-cve2021-26855.nse | 1 | принято |
31.01.2021 | 168695 | The exploit in the previous comment is also available on GitHub: https://github.com/blasty/CVE-2021-3156 | 1 | принято |
31.01.2021 | 168695 | There is another exploit available under the URL https://haxx.in/CVE-2021-3156.tar.gz. | 1 | принято |
14.09.2020 | 159502 | And here is another exploit from dirkjanm: https://github.com/dirkjanm/CVE-2020-1472/blob/master/cve-2020-1472-exploit.py | 0 | принято |
14.09.2020 | 159502 | After SecuraBV had published a testing script, there is now a proof of concept exploit from BlackArrow: https://github.com/blackarrowsec/redteam-research/blob/master/CVE-2020-1472/CVE-2020-1472.py | 0 | принято |
12.08.2020 | 159525 | There is another exploit for this vulnerability: https://github.com/sailay1996/cve-2020-1337-poc | 1 | принято |
12.01.2020 | 147804 | Additional exploit and scanner from TrustedSec: https://github.com/trustedsec/cve-2019-19781 | 1 | принято |
05.01.2020 | 133407 | The exploit is available in Metasploit as well: "https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/windows/http/tomcat_cgi_cmdlineargs" | 0 | принято |
05.01.2020 | 136570 | The exploit is available in Metasploit as well: "https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/linux/local/servu_ftp_server_prepareinstallation_priv_esc" | 0 | принято |
30.12.2019 | 143087 | There is now a Metasploit module for this vulnerability (https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/windows/local/comahawk). | 0 | принято |
30.12.2019 | 145369 | There is now a Metasploit module for this vulnerability (https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/windows/local/comahawk). | 0 | принято |
30.12.2019 | 147035 | There is now a Metasploit module for this vulnerability (https://www.rapid7.com/db/modules/exploit/openbsd/local/dynamic_loader_chpass_privesc) | 0 | принято |
17.12.2019 | 94127 | There is another exploit for this vulnerability: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47782 | 0 | принято |
15.12.2019 | 146798 | The exploit is available in Metasploit as well: https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47772 | 0 | принято |
21.11.2019 | 125954 | There is now an exploit available in Metasploit called "Xorg X11 Server Local Privilege Escalation", see https://www.exploit-db.com/exploits/47701 | 1 | принято |
08.11.2019 | 144257 | The exploit was ported to Metasploit Framework as "rConfig install Command Execution" on 2019-11-08. | 0 | принято |
29.10.2019 | 142917 | Additional exploit on GitHub available: https://github.com/dorkerdevil/CVE-2019-11932. This exploit is based on the work of awakened1712. | 0 | принято |
26.10.2019 | 138210 | The exploit is also now part of the Metasploit Framework. | 0 | принято |