Algorithmen für klassische Simulationen und Quantensimulationen |
Algorithms for Hamiltonian Quantum Field Theories |
Chemistry in a quantum medium : Bose polarons, ultracold molecules, and quantum computing |
Efficient basis formulation for 1 + 1 dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory spectral calculations with matrix product states |
Entanglement and Correlations in Cold Atomic Systems |
Entwurf und Optimierung von Quantenspeichern |
Fermionizing a small gas of ultracold bosons |
Field-induced superfluids and Bose liquids in projected entangled pair states |
De Finetti representation theorem for infinite-dimensional quantum systems and applications to quantum cryptography |
Fundamental limitations in the purifications of tensor networks |
Gapless Hamiltonians for the Toric Code Using the Projected Entangled Pair State Formalism |
Gauging Quantum States: From Global to Local Symmetries in Many-Body Systems |
Gaussian entanglement of formation |
Geometric manipulation of trapped ions for quantum computation |
Goals and opportunities in quantum simulation |
Ground-state properties of the spin-\frac{1}{2} antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice: a variational study based on entangled-plaquette states |
Hawking Radiation from an Acoustic Black Hole on an Ion Ring |
Heralded multiphoton states with coherent spin interactions in waveguide QED |
High-fidelity hot gates for generic spin-resonator systems |
High-fidelity teleportation between light and atoms |
Hilbert’s 17th Problem and the Quantumness of States |
Holonomic quantum computation with neutral atoms |
Interaction of a two-level atom with a cavity mode in the bad-cavity limit. |
Investidura como doctor "honoris causa" del Excmo. Sr. D. Juan Ignacio Cirac Sasturáin : Paraninfo de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales, Ciudad Real, 4 de noviembre de 2005 |
Irreversibility in asymptotic manipulations of a distillable entangled state |
Laser cooling of trapped ions: The influence of micromotion |
Laser cooling of trapped three-level ions: Designing two-level systems for sideband cooling |
Lattice effects on Laughlin wave functions and parent Hamiltonians |
Lieb-Liniger model of a dissipation-induced Tonks-Girardeau gas |
Long-distance quantum communication with atomic ensembles and linear optics |
Low Energy Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate: A Time-Dependent Variational Analysis |
Lower bounds for attainable fidelities in entanglement purification |
Many-body physics with ultracold gases : École de physique des Houches, session XCIV, 28 June to 23 July 2010 |
Many-particle entanglement with Bose-Einstein condensates |
Markovian and non-Markovian dynamics of quantum emitters coupled to two-dimensional structured reservoirs |
Materiewellen von lokalisierten Quellen in homogenen Kraftfeldern |
Matrix product state and mean-field solutions for one-dimensional systems can be found efficiently |
Matrix product states: Symmetries and two-body Hamiltonians |
Matter-Wave Emission in Optical Lattices: Single Particle and Collective Effects |
Mesoscopic spin-boson models of trapped ions |
Methoden zur Thermalisierung und Gleichgewichtsdynamik in Quanten-Vielteilchensystemen |
Methods for detecting acceleration radiation in a Bose-Einstein condensate |
Mimicking a squeezed-bath interaction: Quantum-reservoir engineering with atoms |
Motion tomography of a single trapped ion |
Multipartite bound information exists and can be activated. |
Nanoplasmonic Lattices for Ultracold Atoms |
Normalisator-Schaltungen und Quantencomputing |
Normalizer Circuits and Quantum Computation |
Nuevas tecnologías cuánticas para el procesado y transmisión de información un paseo por la física del siglo XXI : discurso de ingreso leído por el académico electo Ilmo. Sr. D. Ignacio Cirac Sasturain en el acto de su solemne toma de posesión como académico de honor, celebrado el 15 de noviembre de 2007 y discurso de contestación del académico de número Ilmo. Sr. D. Pablo Artal Soriano |
Offene Quanten Spin-Systeme in Halbleiter Quantenpunkten und Atomen in optischen Gittern |
Open quantum spin systems in semiconductor quantum dots and atoms in optical lattices |
Optomechanics with levitating Dielectrics: Theory and Protocols |
Optomechanik mit schwebenden Dielektrika: Theorie und Protokolle |
Polaron Physics and Phase Transitions in Light-Matter Systems |
Quanteninformationsmethoden in der Vielteilchenphysik |
Quanteninformationsverarbeitung durch Atome und Photonen |
Quantum and classical methods for lattice gauge theories in higher dimensions |
Quantum Information Methods in Many-Body Physics |
Quantum Information Processing with Atoms and Photons |
Quantum many-body states defined through conformal field theory |
Quantum memory: design and optimization |
Quantum Simulation of Topological States of Matter |
Quantum violation of classical physics in macroscopic systems |
A scalable quantum computer with ions in an array of microtraps |
Simulations of quantum double models |
Sonic Analog of Gravitational Black Holes in Bose-Einstein Condensates |
The Structure of Nonchiral Topological Order |
Struktur nichtchiraler topologischer Ordnung |
temperature dependence of the chiral condensate in the Schwinger model with matrix product states |
Tensor network states for the description of quantum many-body systems |
Tensor Networks in Condensed Matter |
Tensornetzwerke in Kondensierter Materie |
Tensornetzwerkzustände zur Beschreibung von Quantenvielteilchensystemen |
Towards overcoming the Monte Carlo sign problem with tensor networks |