Programming Languages, Formal Methods, Concurrent Programming
— Failure Transparency in Stateful Dataflow Systems September 2024
I worked on this paper together with Jonas Spenger, Paris Carbone, and Philipp Haller. The paper is published in ECOOP 2024. A companion technical report and a recording of the talk are available.
— Master's student in Computer Science, KTH 2022–present
My thesis is about formal verification of epoch-based snapshotting, which is the algorithm used, for example, to ensure exactly-once processing in Apache Flink. My supervisors are Jonas Spenger and Philipp Haller.
— B.Sc. in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Moscow State University 2016–2022
In my thesis, I describe a new method of embedding Lisp into C by providing a library which supports writing Lisp-like expressions directly as C expressions.
— Building Python based AI Systems with LLMs November 2024
I presented the work of Hopsworks LLM Assistant team on behalf of Jim Dowling, CEO of Hopsworks. The talk took place at Pycon Sweden 2024.
— Software engineer, Hopsworks 2024–present
So far I have been mostly working on Hopsworks Python API and on a work-in-progress LLM-based assistant.
— Research student assistant, KTH 2023–2024
I worked on Portals, a stateful dataflow system, mainly with Jonas Spenger and Philipp Haller. I was involved mostly in formalizing the system and a bit in programming it.
— Haskell backend programmer, MCCME 2021–2022
I worked on a website for learning school math. I implemented three web services backing it, and integrated support of authentication through a governmental system.
— Junior researcher, KIAM 2018–2022
I was involved in optimization of parallel programs and writing of scripts, and implemented elementary functions for FPGAs.
Other Activities
I helped with organisation of several mathematical conferences at Sirius, as well as attended two “summer” schools there: one on Complexity Theory and one on Formal Methods.
I wrote several programs and libraries in C (e.g. a little game inspired by the old Zelda games and a library for Common Gateway Interface).
Together with Nikita Orlov, we wrote a blog article on pitfalls of C with over a hundred thousands views (available only in Russian); made a little stack language compiling directly into machine code, and wrote a simple cipher encryptor and cracker in it; and finaly we designed and tinkered a M68k-based computer and wrote an emulator for it in Haskell.