Wanderers from Ys / ワンダラーズフロムイース / Wanderers from Ys (Game Release)
ワンダラーズフロムイース Wanderers from Ys Wanderers from Ys ワンダラーズフロムイース
 Submitted by seanne on Jul 9, 2023 01:32 AM
2024 |
07.31 |
Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack / イース・メモワール -フェルガナの誓い- オリジナルサウンドトラック / Ys Memoire: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack YSMF-OST Soundtrack |
2023 |
05.19 |
Prescription for Sleep: Game Music Lullabies Volume III / Prescription for Sleep: Game Music Lullabies Volume III / Prescription for Sleep: Game Music Lullabies Volume III SMRC-1059 Fan Arrangement |
02.15 |
XII / XII / XII N/A Fan Arrangement |
2022 |
07.19 |
Days of Adventure / Days of Adventure / Days of Adventure N/A Fan Arrangement |
2021 |
12.08 |
My Garden… / soLi / My Garden… / soLi / My Garden… / soLi WLKR-0059 Arrangement |
12.08 |
My Garden… / soLi [Deluxe Edition] / My Garden… / soLi [Deluxe Edition] / My Garden… / soLi [Deluxe Edition] WLKR-0057~8 Arrangement |
11.18 |
Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack+ / Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack+ / Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack+ WAYO-V015C Soundtrack |
09.?? |
Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack + / Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack + / Ys: The Oath in Felghana Original Soundtrack + WAYO-033~5 Soundtrack |
2018 |
11.16 |
MelodYs and HarmonYs / MelodYs and HarmonYs / MelodYs and HarmonYs N/A Fan Arrangement |
07.28 |
Euphie / Euphie / Euphie N/A Fan Arrangement |
2017 |
10.10 |
Prescription for Sleep: Fight for Your Dreams / Prescription for Sleep: Fight for Your Dreams / Prescription for Sleep: Fight for Your Dreams SMRC-1021 Fan Arrangement |
2016 |
12.31 |
EtlanZ Best -15th Anniversary- / EtlanZ Best -15th Anniversary- / EtlanZ Best -15th Anniversary- EZCD-0026 Fan Arrangement |
02.19 |
The Wreckening / The Wreckening / The Wreckening N/A Fan Arrangement |
2013 |
11.26 |
Ys SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION -Music From the History of Ys- / Ys SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION -Music From the History of Ys- / Ys SILVER ANNIVERSARY EDITION -Music From the History of Ys- N/A Unclassified |
2011 |
07.14 |
VOCAL 2 / ボーカル2 / VOCAL 2 NW10102930 Vocal |
07.14 |
VOCAL 2&3 Set / VOCAL 2&3 セット / VOCAL 2&3 Set NW10102950 Vocal |
07.14 |
VOCAL 1&2&3 Set / VOCAL 1&2&3 セット / VOCAL 1&2&3 Set NW10102960 Vocal |
2010 |
04.22 |
Wanderers From Ys X68000 Original Sound Track / ワンダラーズフロムイース X68000 オリジナル・サウンドトラック / Wanderers From Ys X68000 Original Sound Track WFYS-X68K Soundtrack |
2009 |
06.10 |
RetroBit / RetroBit / RetroBit N/A Fan Arrangement |
05.05 |
FMPSG011 -kaleidoscope- / FMPSG011 -kaleidoscope- / FMPSG011 -kaleidoscope- FPCR-011 Fan Arrangement |
2008 |
12.29 |
Messa!! Chiisana Takarabako / めっさ!!ちいさなたからばこ / Messa!! Chiisana Takarabako WDCD-0032 Fan Arrangement |
2007 |
08.17 |
Sora he no tsubasa - Falcom Arrange Collection II / Sora he no tsubasa - Falcom Arrange Collection II / Sora he no tsubasa - Falcom Arrange Collection II LYCD-0013 Fan Arrangement |
08.17 |
Kagayake! 5 / 輝け!5 / Kagayake! 5 N/A Fan Arrangement |
04.27 |
Attack the Game FINAL / Attack the Game FINAL / Attack the Game FINAL N/A Fan Arrangement |
03.20 |
Ys -The Oath in Felghana- Pre Arrange Version / 伊苏-菲尔盖纳之誓约音乐CD / Ys -The Oath in Felghana- Pre Arrange Version YSF-PAV Arrangement |
2006 |
12.31 |
12.31 |
To the Boys with Wings - Falcom Arrange Collection I / 翼を持った少年達へ - Falcom Arrange Collection I / To the Boys with Wings - Falcom Arrange Collection I LYCD-0011 Fan Arrangement |
12.24 |
Now You're Playing With Powar 6: Elorgtussy's Favorite Hits / Now You're Playing With Powar 6: Elorgtussy's Favorite Hits / Now You're Playing With Powar 6: Elorgtussy's Favorite Hits AFX 140 Fan Arrangement |
08.13 |
Transcendent III ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.3~ / Transcendent III ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.3~ / Transcendent III ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.3~ N/A Fan Arrangement |
2005 |
08.15 |
Black Pearl / Black Pearl / Black Pearl NEOCD-0002 Fan Arrangement |
08.14 |
sepher.jp / sepher.jp Jun.A 2000-2004 Special Best Album / sepher.jp OEMM-0088 Fan Arrangement |
08.14 |
Transcendent II ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.2~ / Transcendent II ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.2~ / Transcendent II ~Ys, Pianistic works. Vol.2~ N/A Fan Arrangement |
07.04 |
Ys PREMIUM MUSIC CD BOX in FELGHANA / イース・プレミアム・CD・ボックス・イン・フェルガナ / Ys PREMIUM MUSIC CD BOX in FELGHANA N/A Soundtrack, Arrangement |
06.30 |
Ys -The Oath in Felghana- PRE ARRANGE VERSION / イース -フェルガナの誓い- プレ・アレンジ・バージョン / Ys -The Oath in Felghana- PRE ARRANGE VERSION YSF-PAV Arrangement |
06.30 |
BEST SELECTION of YsIII / ベストセレクション・オブ・イースIII / BEST SELECTION of YsIII YS3-BEST Arrangement, Vocal |
05.27 |
Ys -The Oath in Felghana- Demo Movie and Sample Music CD / イース -フェルガナの誓い- デモムービー&サンプルミュージック / Ys -The Oath in Felghana- Demo Movie and Sample Music CD YSF-HDM Arrangement |
??.?? |
Sprite Slowdown - Self Titled / Sprite Slowdown - Self Titled / Sprite Slowdown - Self Titled N/A Fan Arrangement |
2004 |
12.30 |
Baroque / Baroque / Baroque HSCD-0003 Fan Arrangement |
12.30 |
Kagayake! Kono Kyoku nan Deshou Senshuken~ 3 / 輝け!この曲なんでしょう選手権〜3 / Kagayake! Kono Kyoku nan Deshou Senshuken~ 3 N/A Fan Arrangement |
2003 |
10.11 |
The Elegy Of The Battle / The Elegy Of The Battle / The Elegy Of The Battle N/A Fan Arrangement |
??.?? |
Now You're Playing With Powar II: Metal Storm / Now You're Playing With Powar II: Metal Storm / Now You're Playing With Powar II: Metal Storm AFX 69 Fan Arrangement |
??.?? |
Now You're Playing With Powar III: The Famicom Wars / Now You're Playing With Powar III: The Famicom Wars / Now You're Playing With Powar III: The Famicom Wars AFX 71 Fan Arrangement |
??.?? |
windtales from Ys / ウィンドテールズ・フロム・イース / windtales from Ys N/A Fan Arrangement |
2002 |
08.11 |
Motto!! Chiisana Takarabako / も~っと!! ちいさなたからばこ / Motto!! Chiisana Takarabako WDCD-0020 Fan Arrangement |
08.11 |
Falcom Sound Box ~Pocket Watch special~ / Falcom Sound Box ~懐中時計special~ / Falcom Sound Box ~Pocket Watch special~ MTK2-N-004~7 Fan Arrangement |
08.11 |
sho-wa / sho-wa / sho-wa SDCD-0010 Fan Arrangement |
08.11 |
GC-clusterz Memorial Works 1 / GC-clusterz Memorial Works 1 / GC-clusterz Memorial Works 1 GCCD-0001 Fan Arrangement |
08.08 |
L'arca di noe' / L'arca di noe' / L'arca di noe' PMCD-0007 Fan Arrangement |
04.28 |
Flashlight - Haruaji / 懐中電灯・春味 / Flashlight - Haruaji MTK2-KM-002 Fan Arrangement |
??.?? |
Ys Battle Special / イース バトル・スペシャル / Ys Battle Special N/A Fan Arrangement |
2001 |
12.30 |
Chiisana Takarabako / ちいさなたからばこ / Chiisana Takarabako WDCD-0019 Fan Arrangement |
12.30 |
Kaichuudentou / 懐中電灯 / Kaichuudentou MTK2-KM-001 Fan Arrangement |
??.?? |
Ys midimushi Special II / Ys MIDI虫 Special II / Ys midimushi Special II N/A Fan Arrangement |
2000 |
11.09 |
Paroject Ys / パロジェクト・イ~す / Paroject Ys N/A Fan Arrangement |
03.16 |
Ys Piano Collection / イース・ピアノコレクション / Ys Piano Collection NW10102370 Arrangement |
1999 |
12.22 |
Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 NW10102290 Arrangement |
12.22 |
Preprimer / プレプリマ / Preprimer - M FUJISAWA - Pre-Project NW10102270 Arrangement |
08.13 |
Falcom no Are / ふぁるこむのアレ / Falcom no Are N/A Fan Arrangement |
08.13 |
JukeBox'99 SoundCatalog / JukeBox'99 SoundCatalog / JukeBox'99 SoundCatalog WDCD-0014 Fan Arrangement |
1998 |
12.31 |
Falcom Legend / Falcom Legend / Falcom Legend AML-01~3 Fan Arrangement |
1997 |
07.17 |
SJV Sound Adventure Series Vol.2 / SJV Sound Adventure Series Vol.2 / SJV Sound Adventure Series Vol.2 N/A Fan Arrangement |
1996 |
12.11 |
SC-88 MIDI Collection / SC-88 MIDI コレクション / SC-88 MIDI Collection NF02013 Arrangement |
12.11 |
Ys MIDI Collection / イース MIDI コレクション / Ys MIDI Collection NF02003 Soundtrack, Arrangement |
1995 |
11.30 |
Ys MIDI Collection / イース MIDI コレクション / Ys MIDI Collection NW10102020 Soundtrack, Arrangement |
1994 |
05.25 |
Ys Piano Collection 2 / イース・ピアノコレクション2 / Ys Piano Collection 2 KICA-1142 Arrangement |
1993 |
10.21 |
Falcom ENDING COLLECTION 1987 - 1992 / ファルコム・エンディング・コレクション / Falcom ENDING COLLECTION 1987 - 1992 KICA-1132~3 Soundtrack, Arrangement |
09.22 |
Ys Piano Collection / イース・ピアノコレクション / Ys Piano Collection KICA-1130 Arrangement |
07.21 |
Falcom Vocal Special J.D.K. BAND 3 / ファルコム・ボーカル・スペシャル J.D.K. BAND 3 / Falcom Vocal Special J.D.K. BAND 3 KICA-1128 Vocal |
05.21 |
Music from Ys III Wanderers from Ys / ミュージック・フロム・イース III ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース / Music from Ys III Wanderers from Ys KICA-2303 Soundtrack |
05.21 |
Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version / ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース~スーパー・アレンジ・バージョン / Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version KICA-2304 Arrangement |
1992 |
11.21 |
FALCOM NEO CLASSIC From Studios In London City / ファルコム・ネオ・クラシック・フロム・スタディオズ・イン・ロンドン・シティ / FALCOM NEO CLASSIC From Studios In London City KICA-1114~5 Arrangement |
11.?? |
08.21 |
Heal Ring / Rie Sugimoto / Heal Ring / 杉本理恵 / Heal Ring / Rie Sugimoto KICS-230 Arrangement, Vocal |
07.04 |
Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog I / ファルコム・パーフェクト・サウンド・カタログI / Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog I KICA-1105~6 Unclassified |
07.04 |
Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog II / ファルコム・パーフェクト・サウンド・カタログII / Falcom Perfect Sound Catalog II KICA-1107~8 Arrangement |
1991 |
12.21 |
Falcom Special Box '92 / ファルコム・スペシャル・ボックス '92 / Falcom Special Box '92 KICA-9009~11 Arrangement |
10.21 |
Falcom Vocal Collection I / ファルコム・ボーカル・コレクション I / Falcom Vocal Collection I KICA-1042~3 Vocal |
10.21 |
Falcom Vocal Collection II / ファルコム・ボーカル・コレクション II / Falcom Vocal Collection II KICA-1044~5 Vocal |
09.05 |
Falcom J.D.K. BAND 2 / Dalk Fukt no Gyakushuu / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 2 / ダルク=ファクトの逆襲 / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 2 / Dalk Fukt no Gyakushuu KICA-1035 Arrangement |
07.05 |
Preprimer II / プレプリマ II / Preprimer II KICA-1031 Arrangement |
03.15 |
Perfect Collection Ys III / パーフェクト・コレクション イース III / Perfect Collection Ys III KICA-1021~2 Arrangement, Vocal |
01.01 |
Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 / Falcom J.D.K. BAND 1 KICA-1019 Arrangement |
1990 |
12.21 |
Falcom SPECIAL BOX '91 / ファルコム・スペシャル BOX '91 / Falcom SPECIAL BOX '91 KICA-9001~4 Arrangement, Prototype |
12.05 |
KRELIA / Rie Sugimoto / KRELIA / 杉本理恵 / KRELIA / Rie Sugimoto KICS-57 Arrangement, Vocal |
11.05 |
Preprimer / プレプリマ / Preprimer - M FUJISAWA - Pre-Project KICA-1018 Arrangement |
09.05 |
Perfect Collection Ys II / パーフェクト・コレクション イース II / Perfect Collection Ys II KICA-1014~5 Arrangement |
07.21 |
Falcom Sound Catalog '90 Summer Special Digest Disc / ファルコムサウンドカタログ'90夏 スペシャルダイジェスト盤 / Falcom Sound Catalog '90 Summer Special Digest Disc 8DCH-90062 Unclassified |
03.21 |
Ys III J.D.K. Special / イース III J.D.K. スペシャル / Ys III J.D.K. Special KICA-1002 Soundtrack, Arrangement |
03.21 |
Ys III J.D.K. Special / Ys III J.D.K. Special / Ys III J.D.K. Special KITA-1002 Soundtrack, Arrangement |
1989 |
12.21 |
Falcom SPECIAL BOX '90 / ファルコム・スペシャル・BOX '90 / Falcom SPECIAL BOX '90 169A-7717~20 Arrangement, Vocal |
11.?? |
NEC Personal Computer PC-8800 SERIES CD TREASURE BOX CD-ROM / NEC パーソナルコンピュータ PC-8800シリーズ CDたから箱 CD-ROM / NEC Personal Computer PC-8800 SERIES CD TREASURE BOX CD-ROM N/A Arrangement |
10.21 |
MUSIC FROM Ys III WANDERERS FROM Ys / ミュージック・フロム・イース III ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース / MUSIC FROM Ys III WANDERERS FROM Ys 276A-7715 Soundtrack |
10.21 |
Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version / ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース スーパー・アレンジ・バージョン / Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version 276A-7716 Arrangement |
10.21 |
Music from Ys III Wanderers from Ys / ミュージック・フロム・イース III ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース / Music from Ys III Wanderers from Ys 230T-3715 Soundtrack |
10.21 |
Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version / ワンダラーズ・フロム・イース~スーパー・アレンジ・バージョン / Wanderers from Ys Super Arrange Version 230T-3716 Arrangement |
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