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Tatsuya Tanaka
田中 辰弥 (たなか たつや)
BirthdateNot available
BirthplaceNot available
Credited works
46 albums in database
35 composer 14 executive producer 11 producer 3 supervisor 2 performer 1 additional musician
President and CEO at Seven Arcs
2000 |
08.11 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage / とらいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージ / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage GG-017 Executive Producer |
12.29 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage 2 - Yuiko Takashiro no Umikaze RADIO! / とらいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージ2 鷹城唯子の海風RADIO! / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage 2 - Yuiko Takashiro no Umikaze RADIO! GG-018 Executive Producer |
2001 |
04.29 |
TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 3 "Sweet Song memories" / とらいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージ3 "Sweet Song memories" / TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 3 "Sweet Song memories" GG-019 Executive Producer |
08.10 |
TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 4 - HAPPY SONGS COLLECTION ~Takamachi-ke Karaoke Taikai!!!~ / とらいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージ4 HAPPY SONGS COLLECTION ~高町家カラオケ大会!!!~ / TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 4 - HAPPY SONGS COLLECTION ~Takamachi-ke Karaoke Taikai!!!~ GG-020 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Executive Producer |
12.29 |
TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 5 - Wings Xmas ~Tooi Sora no Christmas Eve~ / とらいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージ5 Wings Xmas ~遠い空のクリスマス・イブ~ / TRIANGLE HEART'S SOUND STAGE 5 - Wings Xmas ~Tooi Sora no Christmas Eve~ GG-021 Composer (as HAPPY SOUL MAN / HAPPY SOUL MAN), Executive Producer |
2002 |
06.14 |
Triangle Heart's Theme Songs History / Triangle Heart's Theme Songs History / Triangle Heart's Theme Songs History TH-001 Composer (as HAPPY SOUL MAN / HAPPY SOUL MAN) |
08.09 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage O - Summertime Whispers ~Talking in Sazanami Joshiryou~ / らいあんぐるハート'S サウンドステージO(オー) Summertime Whispers ~トーキング・イン・さざなみ女子寮~ / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage O - Summertime Whispers ~Talking in Sazanami Joshiryou~ GG-022 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Executive Producer |
11.29 |
Triangle Heart's Memorial Album "The Last songs" / Triangle Heart's Memorial Album "The Last songs" / Triangle Heart's Memorial Album "The Last songs" JJN-025 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
12.28 |
jANIS & ivory Game Songs Collection Vol.2 / jANIS & ivory Game Songs Collection Vol.2 / jANIS & ivory Game Songs Collection Vol.2 IVORY-0019 Composer (as HAPPY SOUL MAN / HAPPY SOUL MAN) |
2003 |
01.01 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X ~OVA Series & Radio Stage Preview~ / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X ~OVA Series & Radio Stage Preview~ / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X ~OVA Series & Radio Stage Preview~ KICA-1281 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
05.21 |
Gekijouban Pia♥Carrot e Youkoso!! ~Sayaka no Koimonogatari~ Original Soundtrack / 劇場版 Pia♥キャロットへようこそ!! ~さやかの恋物語~ オリジナルサウンドトラック / Gekijouban Pia♥Carrot e Youkoso!! ~Sayaka no Koimonogatari~ Original Soundtrack KICA-1293 Producer |
08.13 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X2 Radio Drama SP SIDE-A / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X2 Radio Drama SP SIDE-A / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X2 Radio Drama SP SIDE-A KICA-1300 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
08.15 |
Sound Stage EXTRA - Triangle Heart's Radio Stage CD Tokuban SPECIAL / サウンドステージEXTRA とらいあんぐるハート'S Radio Stage CD特番SPECIAL / Sound Stage EXTRA - Triangle Heart's Radio Stage CD Tokuban SPECIAL GG-023 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Producer |
10.22 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X3 Radio Drama SP SIDE-B / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X3 Radio Drama SP SIDE-B / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X3 Radio Drama SP SIDE-B KICA-1312 Composer (as h.s.m / h.s.m) |
12.28 |
Fiasse Crystela COMPILATION ALBUM Starry Crystal / Fiasse Crystela COMPILATION ALBUM Starry Crystal / Fiasse Crystela COMPILATION ALBUM Starry Crystal GG-024 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
2004 |
01.21 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X4 ~Yesterday to tomorrow~ / とらいあんぐるハート's Sound Stage X4 ~Yesterday to tomorrow~ / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage X4 ~Yesterday to tomorrow~ KICA-1316 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
05.14 |
Triangle Heart's Sound Stage Final "The Grand Finale" / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage Final "The Grand Finale" / Triangle Heart's Sound Stage Final "The Grand Finale" GG-025~8 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman, h.s.m / h.s.m) |
08.13 |
Sakura Machizaka Stories Sound Stage 1 ~Side-F Manatsu no Yoru no Hanabi~ / 桜待坂Storiesサウンドステージ1 ~Side-F 真夏の夜の花火~ / Sakura Machizaka Stories Sound Stage 1 ~Side-F Manatsu no Yoru no Hanabi~ GG-029 Supervisor |
08.13 |
Sakura Machizaka Stories Sound Stage 2 ~Side-K Natsumatsuri no Yozora ni~ / Sakura Machizaka Stories Sound Stage 2 ~Side-K 夏祭の夜空に~ / Sakura Machizaka Stories Sound Stage 2 ~Side-K Natsumatsuri no Yozora ni~ GG-030 Supervisor |
11.26 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 01 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはサウンドステージ01 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 01 KICA-666 Producer |
12.29 |
early works2 ~ ivory original songs best / early works2 ~ ivory original songs best / early works2 ~ ivory original songs best IVORY-0049 Composer (as HAPPY SOULMAN / HAPPY SOULMAN) |
2005 |
01.13 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 02 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはサウンドステージ02 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 02 KICA-667 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Producer |
04.06 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 03 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはサウンドステージ03 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Sound Stage 03 KICA-668 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Producer |
05.11 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Original Sound Track / 魔法少女リリカルなのは オリジナルサウンドトラック / Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Original Sound Track KICA-693 Producer |
11.23 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 01 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはA's サウンドステージ01 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 01 KICA-733 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
2006 |
01.12 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 02 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはA's サウンドステージ02 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 02 KICA-743 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
03.08 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 03 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはA's サウンドステージ03 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA A's Sound Stage 03 KICA-768 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
2007 |
05.23 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 01 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS サウンドステージ01 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 01 KICA-853 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
07.18 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 02 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS サウンドステージ02 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 02 KICA-854 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
10.03 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 03 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS サウンドステージ03 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 03 KICA-855 Executive Producer |
12.12 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 04 / 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS サウンドステージ04 / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical NANOHA StrikerS Sound Stage 04 KICA-856 Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
2008 |
08.27 |
Sekirei Sound Stage 01 / セキレイ サウンドステージ01 / Sekirei Sound Stage 01 KICA-931 Producer |
10.22 |
Sekirei Sound Stage 02 / セキレイ サウンドステージ02 / Sekirei Sound Stage 02 KICA-932 Producer |
2009 |
04.04 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Sound stage Vocal best collection / 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS サウンドステージ ボーカルベストコレクション / Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS Sound stage Vocal best collection KICA-966 Composer (as HAPPY SOUL MAN / HAPPY SOUL MAN) |
08.14 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 1st Ticket & CD SPECIAL Side F / 魔法少女リリカルなのは The MOVIE 1st Ticket & CD SPECIAL Side F / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 1st Ticket & CD SPECIAL Side F SANM-002 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
2010 |
01.23 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The MOVIE 1st Original Sound Track / 魔法少女リリカルなのは THE MOVIE 1st オリジナルサウンドトラック / Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The MOVIE 1st Original Sound Track KICA-2503~4 Producer |
01.27 |
WHITE ALBUM Sound Stage 01 / WHITE ALBUM サウンドステージ01 / WHITE ALBUM Sound Stage 01 KICA-2501 Composer (as h.s.m / h.s.m) |
2012 |
07.14 |
Magical Girl Lyrical NANOHA The MOVIE 2nd A's Original Soundtrack / 魔法少女リリカルなのは The MOVIE 2nd A's Original Soundtrack / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 2nd A's Original Soundtrack KICA-2508~9 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Performer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Producer |
2013 |
04.24 |
Snow Rain ~Unison-trilogy~ / Snow Rain ~Unison-trilogy~ / Snow Rain ~Unison-trilogy~ KICM-3255 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman), Producer |
2017 |
07.21 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Reflection Original Soundtrack / 魔法少女リリカルなのは Reflection Original Soundtrack / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection Original Soundtrack KICA-2520~1 Performer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
2019 |
11.20 |
Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha Character Song Complete BOX / 魔法少女リリカルなのは キャラクターソング コンプリートBOX / Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Character Song Complete BOX KICA-92562~7 Additional Musician (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Composer (as happy soul man / happy soul man), Executive Producer |
2020 |
04.21 |
KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible [Blu-ray Limited Edition] / KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible [Blu-ray付限定盤] / KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible [Blu-ray Limited Edition] GNCA-1568 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
04.21 |
KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible / KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible / KOTOKO's GAME SONG COMPLETE BOX The Bible GNCA-1569 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
11.17 |
KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" [Limited Edition] / KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" [Limited Edition] / KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" [Limited Edition] GNCA-1591 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
11.17 |
KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" / KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" / KOTOKO Anime song's complete album "The Fable" GNCA-1592 Composer (as happy soulman / happy soulman) |
2022 |
10.05 |
BEST 4 U / BEST 4 U / BEST 4 U KICA-2609 Supervisor |
Referenced on 3 albums
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Jan 2, 2021 07:24 PM
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