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Mamoru Samuragoch
Mamoru Samuragochi Mamoru Samuragouchi M. Samuragoch Sep 21, 1963 Hiroshima, Japan 3 albums in database 2 products in database 5 composer 2 orchestrator 2 lyricist 1 co-producer 1 liner notes 1 music NotesMamoru Samuragoch was the name behind the soundtracks for the video games Resident Evil: Dual Shock Ver. and Onimusha: Warlords. Dubbed a "digital-age Beethoven" by the media, he gained further fame in February 2014 when it was revealed that most of the work attributed to him over the previous 18 years had been written by another person. He claimed throughout his career to be deaf, although this claim has been placed into question by the ghost-writer of his music (Takashi Niigaki), who claims that Samuragochi has normal hearing and was pretending to be deaf in order to generate a mystique around his image as a composer.
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